Saturday, October 5, 2013

An Interview with a Member of The Church of Satan

Q: For our readers, could you please state your case, who you are and what you do?

I'm Barry Mac. Born bred and living in Liverpool UK. Church Of Satan Member. Artist, Poet, YouTube Filmmaker. Used to be in IT but jacked it in on inheriting enough cash to devote full time to Creativity, Indulgence and Ritual Magic.

Q: I understand you have silent projects. Can you tell us about that?

If you mean the YouTube films, yes: I am a great admirer of the work of Kenneth Anger and have been for years. Many of my YouTube efforts are tributes to Anger and his style: which is the creation of silent films to which are added soundtracks later. But Anger's masterpieces are also Magical Spells which the viewer can easily take part in and/or feel the effects of. As a Ritual Magician I have also tried to imbue some of my own tributes to him with the same Magical properties. The "Satanic Rising" soundtracks, for example, are specifically (and Magically) formulated sound/frequencies which can (and have) been used on their own to company Satanic Rituals. I intend to put all of the frequencies/soundtracks onto a CD called "Satanic Sounds," which will enhance any Ritual one wishes to perform.

Q: Correct me if I'm wrong, but this whole "part taken in, feeling the effects of" and formulated sound frequencies alludes much to what has been called Subliminal Stimuli. If thats so, can you elaborate on this concept?

Yes that's quite correct: Kenneth Anger's films are laced with layers of superimposition-imagery that the viewer might not observe consciously but which enters into the subconscious and delivers suggestions, messages, symbolism and concepts of Magic. This is one of the things that fascinates me about his work. He also uses flash-frame (or split-second) images which operate on the same level. It's an insidious sound process-but is it any more sinister than the wholesale political and religious snares which have enslaved human minds completely for centuries? Anger's "Invocation Of My Demon Brother" (1969) remains-in my opinion-his most powerful combination of sound and vision and is my favourite work of his. I put together my YouTube efforts after being inspired by this film alone.

There is an urban myth that split-second images of Coca-Cola/McDonald's burgers were once "hidden" in many motion pictures. Ensuring that every seat would empty at Intermission after almost every viewer had been programmed to buy without being consciously aware of the fact. There was never any proof of its existence-just as with the "backwards masking" myth of the 1970's in connection with Satanic messages secreted in Vynil LP's.

Q: Exposing consumers to product pictures, brand names or other marketing stimuli without the consumer's awareness, are not so far-fetched, given the numerous research validating the effectiveness of Subliminal Images/Messages in advertising. This brings to mind what Dr. LaVey called "The Invisible War" or "The Great Consumer Wars." What is your take on this subject?

Yes: that is precisely what LaVey meant by "The Invisible War." Millions of brainwashed people following whatever fashion item is "in vogue," buying certain foodstuff, sweets, drinks, etc., and slavishly taking sides in political and religious debates-sleepwalking their way through wholly manipulated lives whilst assuming that they are independent, free-thinking individualists. The insidious, subliminal powers of the media & advertising processes are not understood whatsoever by the already inculcated, conditioned and controlled mass-viewers of TV, readers of newspapers, magazines, etc. People who want nothing to do with the controlling, manipulating power of organized religion think that their Atheism means freedom: then they switch on the TV and/or buy their heads in their favourite newspaper and are absolutely told how and what to think, believe, consume and find pleasurable/distasteful. And the inherent, invincible, infinite stupidity and gullibility of the mass-moronic herd keeps this "Master & Slave" status-quo intact throughout our crumbling, Western industrialized societies.

Q: I think it was Adam Curtis award-winning documentary "The Century Of The Self" that expands on this concept of "The Invisible War." Which focuses on how the works of Sigmund Freud, Ann Freud, and Edward Bernays influenced the way corporations and governments have analyzed, dealt with, and controlled people. A very interesting documentary and certainly reinforces your statement of the "Master & Slave status-quo." Now, I like to ask you on the man known as Kenneth Anger, beside what you have already told us. What are your thoughts on him, his filmography, and his involvement with The Church Of Satan?

Kenneth Anger is where the worlds of Crowleyanity, Satanism and the Avant Garde meet. He was a life-long friend of Anton LaVey and was at the founding of The Church Of Satan. The only thing the two Magicians disagreed on was the merit of Aleister Crowley.

Anger is an Artistic Genius-as well as being a genuine IX Degree Crowleyan Magus. I don't have many heroes at all (not in this plastic "everyone's a big shot" pantomime world of fake, fraud and falsehood) but Anger is one of them. I've put together most of my YouTube films as unambiguous tributes to him and his work.

Rather than shout from the rooftops about his Magical powers, attributes or acumen (like so many wannabe, powerless, fake Occultists, pretend-Magicians and pseudo- satanist online nowadays-who haven't got one atom of authentic, quantifiable Magic power between them) Anger's record speaks for itself: his associations with the Rolling Stones and Zeppelin's Jimmy Page are legendary. Like Anton LaVey, there are stories and anecdotes in abundance surrounding Kenneth Anger in connection with people who have crossed him-and paid the price. As a seriously devout disciple of Aleister Crowley (again, unlike the legions of junked-out, self-deluding, imbecilic, giftless, self-ordained "Crowleyites" on and offine nowadays) Anger has imbued his films with actual Talismanic Magical power as tributes to The Beast. Anger was also visiting the ruins of Crowley's Abbey of Thelema as early as 1954 to undertake serious renovation-work on the place. This was over a decade before the 1960's doped-up, indolent masses and certain members of the Rock/Pop Elite embraced all things Crowleyan simply to be "hip"-rather than for any serious Magical reason.

In a world full of ego-tripping, arrogant, conceited, Magically-powerless, self-styled Occultists, Wiccans, Crowleyites, Satanists and other fake-esoteric bullshiters, charlatans and con-artists, Kenneth Anger is the last of the true, genuine Magicians.

Q: You have expressed that David Lynch and Martin Scorsese lifted Anger's ideas and made mega-bucks. Would you agree that Anger has been something of a secret influence on so many film makers?

Kenneth Anger's original, unique production values were basically copied by the Music Video industry-who's "artists" would never have come up with the techniques in a million years left to their own devices. At least Martin Scorsese has been honest enough to say that he was absolutely inspired by Anger's work and rates Anger as a true creative genius. Lynch's stuff is Surrealism for its own sake (which holds no interest for me personally) and his visuals are definitely Anger-inspired.

Anger's influences can be seen in many cinematic quarters: the flurry of "Bike-Gang" films which followed his "Scorpio Rising" (1966) for example, culminating in "Easy Rider"; kubrick's "2001" and its Blue Danube sequence; Roger Corman's use of colour and imagery in his Poe/Vincent Price films. Anybody who has seen the Led Zeppelin film "The Song Remains The Same" will recall the Jimmy Page Dazed & Confused "fantasy sequence"-which is pure Kenneth Anger and which (at 25+minutes) could stand as an Anger film on its own. Anger's influences are really everywhere-you only have to look.

Throughout it all, of course, few have given Anger credit for inspiring them. And whilst the plastic, populist, herd-serving US TV machine will enthusiastically always contract crap like "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," "Charmed," "Reaper," etc., etc., ad nauseam, genuine Occultism (epitomized by Kenneth Anger) is avoided like a Plutonium isotope.

Q: What are your thoughts on Aleister Crowley? Genius? Insane? Was he a Satanist, if not, did he still have something relevant to say about Satanism?

For me, Aleister Crowley was a genius-and I suppose that condition is always tinged with a bit of insanity! Crowley was a powerful individualist who found himself born well ahead of his time. It's not surprising that he was dubbed a "monster" by the Christian, righteous, Victorian/Edwardian society in which he found himself, given that he advocated individual freedom, free-thought, free-love, homosexuality, alternative religions and sporadic drug-taking. The point to grasp here, however, is that Crowley sought to expose the stomach-turning hypocrisy inherent in that stuffy, elitist, God-fearing age: the very upstanding, "pillars of society" who denounced Crowley were in all probability frequenting opium dens and whorehouses whilst "keeping up appearance" at the drop of a top hat-going to church with their families and keeping up facades of fake-decency and respectability. Anton LaVey railed at precisely the same hypocritical nature of Christianity. There are obvious differences between Crowley's Magick and LaVey Satanism, but the way the two Magicians looked at the world and the human beings in it is closer than many people think.

If one uses LaVey Satanism as a guide - (rather than the Hammer-Film, Dennis Wheatly, Christian Fundamentalist "All Evil" image of a Devil Worshipper) - then Crowley was absolutely a Satanist 100%. Like LaVey, Crowley's message to the individual was that he/she did not have to remain a pawn in a great game of chess played by mind-manipulating politicians, religionists and others. Discovering/recognizing one's True Will (i.e: one's real self, identity and purpose in life) was the antidote to simply settling for being one of the enslaved, sleepwalking, unintelligent masses. This remains the most dangerous message of Satanism: the absolute, unremitting right of the individual to create his/her own life, morality and ethical framework-rather than accept the societal blueprint which is relentlessly spoon-fed to the masses.

Q: In The Satanic Bible, Dr. LaVey spends as much time debunking and attacking the type of Occultism and Eastern mysticism, that you have mentioned, as he does attacking Judeo-Christianity. It's obvious that LaVey was entirely non-transcendental in orientation. Crowley and groups like the "Golden Dawn" were very transcendental. Crowley and many sixties counter-culture types such as Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson advocated value systems that elevated the spaced-out mystic above the scientists or rationalist, or the cunning and worldly, they valued people like St. Francis over people like Machiavelli, validated drugs to the masses as well as the use of it in ceremonial magic (which Dr. LaVey was in complete opposition). Besides, these aformentioned differences, what other contrast are there between Crowley's magick and other well known practitioners of traditional ceremonial magic, for example, A.O. Spare and LaVey's Satanism?

The basic difference between the LaVey system of Magic and almost every other form is that it (the LaVey system) doesn't embrace the idea of a dithering, deferential practitioner: one who is subordinate or inferior to a hierarchy of Demons, Intelligences, Forces or other exterior elements. The LaVey Satanist is the Magus, the Magician, the Master-and as such does not approach Ritual with an arsenal of protective circles, incantations, etc. The Satanist does not summon up a monstrous-looking, malevonlent Demon, trap it in a triangle, subdue it by screaming the names of God at it and then give it orders to carry out while he cowers inside of a Magical Circle clutching a bottle of "holy" water to throw if things get nasty. People who do this are imbeciles: they are Christians trying to be Magicians and Sorcerers and who are trapped inside of a primitive, Judeo-Christian, Medieval version of what Occultism and Magic is and which has absolutely nothing to do with real Magic or Occultism.

Armies of ugly, leering, destructive Demons exist only if one accepts the Judeo-Christian Occultic dictate which still stupidly asserts that they do exist in such a way. A LaVeyan concept of Demons would be as a group of friends and companions: an intelligent, powerful group with much to impart and who only ask for honesty, decency, and respect from a self-cofident, individualistic, fearless Magician-not some quaking idiot trying to be something he's not. The Satanist sees himself as being at one with a hiearchy still despised, denounced and shunned by the frightened, pseudo-Occultists of the Judeo-Christian esoteric mainstream.

Leary and Wilson are perfect examples of drugged-up, junked-out, Crowleyite Mystics whose incessant, narcotic-induced ramblings are taken for "deep, meaningful, spiritual, esoteric insights & wisdoms" and "proofs of Adeptship" by similarly strung-out legions of escapist, self-deluding followers. A.O. Spare's system was premised on the Crowley idea of the power of symbolism, sigils, signs, etc but displayed no organized, systematic Ritual structure. Spare was more of a reclusive Artist and closer to William Blake then Crowley or any other Occultist.

Q: There has been this proliferation of satanic organizations or "satanic communities" that have made their presence known throughout the Internet. Do you see this as a detriment to Satanism and The Church Of Satan or are these people enriching Satanism as defined by Dr. LaVey?

The pseudo-satanist of which you speak are all arrogant, conceited, copyist, plagiarist, wannabe wretches: many of whom have cobbled together the money to self-publish horrendously written, illedited, glaringly un-satanic rip-offs of Anton LaVey's books. Vehicles like have made this ghastly online epidemic possible, meaning that any ego-tripping, self-obsessed, giftless goombah can scribble a load of nonsense, (plundered and copied mostly from the writings/ideas of Aleister Crowley and Anton LaVey) package it as a "Great Satanic Grimoire" and then sit back in pretentious pomposity and dub themselves "Satanists." In the cyber-world of do-it-yourself self-publishing(which gave birth to the do-it-yourself satanism sham) the rules of copyright are non-existent: it matters not how fraudulent, plagiaristic, nonsensical and utterly un-satanic your work is-if you have the bucks, it will be published. And, of course, the only reason these nonsense-writings, rubbishy ruminations and rip-offs have to be self-published is because no mainstream publisher of real, genuine Left-Hand Path material would go near them with a ten-foot trident. Needless to say, pseudo-satanism in all of its forms spits on the life, the work and the legacy of Anton LaVey-plundering and plagiarizing all of his pioneering books and then peddling the results as "new" Diabolism (plug: my own decidedly un-plagiaristic, genuine Left-Hand Path book, "Satan Rising" is due for publication early next year-not via the do-it-yourself, pay-for-it-yourself online machine but by the highly reputable, internationally known publisher, Mandrake of London).

The creation of the Internet has led to many advantages in many areas, but it has also regrettably invited every self-deluding satanic charlatan, fake, fraudster, pretender, con-artist and asshole to slither out from under their rocks to "announce to the world" online that they are "Satan's Own." They are all gibbering imbeciles who share not one genuine, demonstrable atom of Occultic, Magical or Satanic power between them and this fact has been known to genuine Satanists ever since these pseudo- satanic scum first started to rise to the surface of the Internet reservoir of mediocrity.

Online "satanic communities" are, I'm afraid, cyber-world self-delusions without true, genuine Satanic form or meaning or purpose. The true nature of Satanism does not whatsoever involve any "need to belong" - whether to a so-called "satanic community" or the wider pantomime of Christian societal conformity. The Satanist is an Individualist; an Outsider; a stand-Alone System, who frowns upon groups, gangs, gatherings, cabals, sects and communites (on or offline) which are only fit for stupid, herd-aligned, human-sheep. This makes the very term "satanic community" a glaring oxymoron. The term is applied/used by legions of assembly-line "dress-in-black & listen to Death Metal to piss-off the parents" dysfunctional teens by way of an attempt to give a real, solid, group identity to something which remains nothing but a shared, online, cyber-delusion.

Q: There is this recurring theme among these pseudo-satanist that claim that "Traditional" or "Generational" satanism has been around prior to 1966 (in reference to Dr. LaVey's founding of The Church Of Satan) is there any truth to this claim?

There is NO truth in any of these claims whatsoever. These people-again-are simple ego-trippers, fakes, fraudsters, copyists, wannabes and never-were: and they all know it! And real, genuine Satanist know it.

Within a year of LaVey forming The Church Of Satan, many individuals and groups suddenly appeared out of nowhere claiming to be "real" satanists and denouncing LaVey as a fraud, a showman and an ego-tripper. Some played the "we were here before LaVey and have been practising real satanism in secret for years" card to try to give themselves levels of credibility authenticity and status which they never, ever achieved. The problem was that their obviously imbecilic, immature, arrogant, conceited stances (and glaring death of Satanic Magical Power) exposed them as the giftless, wannabe, pretentious assholes that they were.

And yet, people are still crawling out of the swamps of ineptitude and stupidity, trying to turn around their mediocre, meaningless, status-free, intelligence-devoid, uncreative little lives by inventing "new" online satanisms, self-publishing their non-Occultic, unsatanic tripe writterings and then arrogantly expecting that they will make the same indelible mark on the world as did Anton LaVey. And still the same tired old card is played by many of these goombahs in pathetic attempts to convince anybody sad enough to listen of their credibility, authenticity and bona-fide satanic identities and credentials: "we were here first..." or the even more see-through: "we represent the most ancient, one, true satanic tradition..." It's all 1000% bullshit: like the entirety of the pseudo-satanic online pantomime-an ongoing, multi-faceted fantasy-circus whose already innumerable fake "satanisms" are joined almost daily by a new "path" or "creed" or "denomination" invented by and for Premier League Retards.

In the 1950's Anton LaVey (by his own admission) became almost pathologically obsessed with seeking out Satanist-as he had already defined them. Even a group calling themselves "Devil Worshippers" would have partially satisified his quest. LaVey searched high & low. He found none. Not one individual. Not one group. LaVey had contacts/friends in the SFPD who assisted him in his search. Nothing. The only thing LaVey did find was a group devoted to carrying out/on the Great Work of Aleister Crowley-and they didn't appear to be making to good a job of that.

One of the main reasons Anton LaVey founded The Church Of Satan is because he could not locate anything whatsoever like it. Not anywhere. He couldn't even find a group that resembled it. And he couldn't even find a group whose activites matched the Christian, religious, "evil" image of a satanist. This is simply because such people did not exist. Not whatsoever. Satanism (whether the Christian blood-and-guts, murder, sacrifice version or that which LaVey himself founded) did not exist in any shape or form before 1966. It's a fact.

The Unholy Truth is that there exists the Original & Genuine codification of Satanism as formulated and founded by Anton Szander LaVey on 30th April 1966. We then have 57 varieties of online fake, fraudulent, rip-off pseudo-satanism: a synthetic, stomach-turning cyber-reservoir of stupidity, unintelligence, plagiarism, ego-mania and pretentiousness; invented and peopled by sub-moronic, self-obsessed, Magically-powerless, intellectually-crippled jokers, jackasses and jumped-up jerk-offs.

Q: I do recall the book "The Satanic Mass" by H.T.F Rhodes who systematically refutes this notion of "Traditional" satanism. I'm aware that the terms "satanism" and "satanists" had previously been nothing more than an infrequent negative epithet that Catholics and Protestents applied to each other. I'm also aware that there were precursors like, Rabelais, Dashwood, but like them and others created nothing comparable to the consistent and organized body of thought and practice created by Dr. LaVey. Now, that I'm on the subject of Catholics and Protestents, what exactly turns you off, in regards to this particular religion, known to the West as Christianity?

You're quite correct in your underpinning of the term "satanist" as a derogatory label - historically used by all self-righteous, religious individuals and groups to quite literally "demonize" their selected enemies. Every religious "Holy" War takes place on this basis: each self-righteous side has God on its side and sees itself as having a duty to exterminate their evil, heretical and - ultimately-satanic enemy. Additionally, this specifically Christian Satan has been repeatedly associated with anybody even suspected of thinking outside of the Christian box: non-conformists, outsiders, free-thinkers. All manner of innovators, artists, writers and others have found themselves on the receiving end of ecclesiastical wrath down the ages. Millions of women, for example, were systematically murdered en masse throughout Europe in the Middle Ages by Protestants & Catholics alike, because of a shared, patholigical, religious, obsessive, misogynistic hatred of all things female: packaged as a war on Witches.

They took down the Berlin Wall over 20 years ago and yet there are still ugly, hefty, brick-built divides across Northern Ireland: remaining in place because the levels of absolute hatred each side of the Christian divide have for each other remain mind-numbing. The original Christian, Henry VIII-inspired schism initiated these pure hate levels, leading to wars, pogroms, persecutions and blood baths between the two gangs ever since-each allegedly worshipping a God of "Love & Peace." This glaring, historical, persisting, uber-hypocrisy of Christianity turns the stomach of many an intelligent, independent, free-thinking individual. The erstwhile "Secret History" of sadism, intimidation and pedophilia throughout the RC Church-covered-up, concealed and closeted for generations - has been (and continues to be) sickeningly revealed to the world, compounding this religion's truly evil nature.

Because of childhood brainwashing and rigorous inculcation by Christian "educators" and similarly conditioned parents, billions of human beings in this 21st Century believe 1000% that a person-Jesus Christ-was born 2000 years ago, without sex having taken place, etc. The same billions believe that this guy performed miracles, including bringing a man back from the dead; they believe that he was executed, came back from the dead himself and gave a short speech to some of his followers before floating up into the sky and vanished; the same billions believe wholeheartedly and absolutely in the existence of Heaven & Hell; God & Devil. Without one atom of irrefutable, concrete evidence for the brith, life and death of anybody called "Jesus Christ" as freely and blindly accepted by the world's Christians, almost the entire value-system of the Western Hemisphere had been based on the fairy-tale for over 20 centuries. I view Christianity as an evil, incurable mind-cancer which succeeds only because the aforementioned brainwashed billions will inculcate their own young children with the same garbage-thereby ensuring the creation of billions more enslaved adults around the world.

Q: Would you agree that Christianity has been castrated by the advent of mass-media and that most Christians have been secularized and pacified to the point that they are not as fanatical or dangerous as their more fanatical elements, which are closer to fundamentalist Muslims in temperament. Would you also agree that the belief in an immortal soul and an eternal afterlife determined by the judgment of an invisible "god" distorts every action of the believer, rendering it literally insane, religion as a form of mass insanity, so pervasive that it is more expedient for the state to cater to it and exploit it than it is to remedy it and for this reason it's not going away any time soon?

I think fanatical, dangerous Christians are still extant in the world - but that Islamist Fundamentalist fanaticism has hogged the show in recent times. In Ireland, Roman Catholicism's authority, power and status had been levelled following a series of exposes over the past few years in connection with pedophile activity being not only carried out by Priests and others for years, but actively, systematically covered-up by the RC Church. The unprecedented resignation of the previous Pope remains dubiously associated with suspicions that the long cover-up of pedophile priestly acts was authorized by the man at the top. And yet - in the Northern Province of the same island-psychotic blind-hate levels between two religiously fanatical, insane sects of Christians mean that many communities must remain "walled off" from each other to prevent certain blood baths. After being "told" for the past 10 years or so that they are subject to a "Peace Process" by grinning politicians and lily-livered religionists, the levels of undiluted hatred which Protestant & Catholic communities in ulster have for each other is now at boiling-point.

I would most certainly agree that all organized religions are manifestations of consensus, mass-insanity-but also of herd-stupidity. Whether born into a Judaic, Islamic or Christian culture, young children are utterly defenceless against the barrage of religious inculcation which may be inflicted upon them daily. The plague of organized religion can never end whilst these processes remain in place. Governments which have for centuries actively promoted the mass-brainwashing of their young, impressionable citizens would not whatsoever be able to halt the process now-even if they decided to embark upon such a policy. Taken to its ultimate, nightmare extreme, the insanity of organized religion was exemplified by 9/11, when the individuals who flew the planes into the WTC absolutely believed 1000% that they were going to Paradise after their deaths and that the plane passengers and the people inside the twin-towers would go to Hell after their exterminations. From the Crusades through the European Witch Craze, through the never-ending, internecine wars between sects of Christians to the evermore unnerving, unending Judeo-Christian-Islamic War, any act of violence, murder and/or mass-murder is perfectly in order if you are carrying out "God's Will."

Q: Now, lets talk a little bit behind this concept of "Lesser Magic" and "Greater Magic," is it nothing more than applied Psychology or is it postulating something more within Consciousness?

It is true that much of Lesser Magic involves applied psychology-but its link to Sorcery, Bewitchment and Witchcraft stems from the Middle Ages, where the fanatically, pathologically, psychotically Christian European mindset viewed the natural, healthy, seductive powers of women as the Devil's Work. Anton LaVey's book, "The Satanic Witch," celebrates this time-honoured traditional, literally Magical power inherent in the female of the species and empowers both men and women to firstly recognize and then fully employ the natural, Magical faculties and powers they congenitally have within themselves. To put it another way: everything which we would nowadays place into the "applied psychology" bracket was viewed-only a few centuries ago-as Sorcery, Witchcraft & Heresy. I would like to think that Lesser Magic therefore has more of a pedigree than, say, the modus-operandi employed by a door-to-door salesmen. Many people have satisifed themselves that Lesser Magic is no more than the application of psychological tricks and have employed it in their everyday lives: then these same people have experienced anomalies, coincidences, synchronicites and good old-fashioned "unexplained phenomena" in connection with their stratagems and the individuals they have involved themselves with in the exercise of their ploys. So, there is evidence that (in some cases) the active exercise of Lesser Magic (even if dubbed "applied psychology") initiates truly Magical processes which may not have been originally planned for or even considered.

There are only theories about how/why Magic works-all of which I consider to be far less important than whether one actually achieves any results from one's Rituals or not.

A prevalent view/theory in connection with Ritual Magic is that the ceremony diverts the Conscious Mind of the Magician, keeping it occupied with gestures, Invocations, bell-ringings, etc., so that the Subconscious Mind may be addressed, awakened and activated via the same ceremonial elements. According to this theorem, the Subconscious Mind is the dwelling place of all Gods & Goddesses; all Powers & Forces of Magic. The need for a theory of Magic (whatever the blueprint) underpins the ceaseless craving in human beings to explain, categorize, compartmentalize, pigeon-hole, label and explain all things. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with this natural tendency - but I prefer to view, embrace and practice Ritual Magic as something which does not absolutely require any explanation. The successful use of Satanic Ritual Magic for specific goals and desires is not whatsoever dependent on the harbouring of any theory about how the process works on behalf of the participant(s). Indeed, allowing one's clinical, analytical tendencies to intellectually scrutinize the whys and wherefores of one's Ritual processes may even dilute their power.

Unfortunately for the pretentious, arrogant proclamations to the contrary by all self-styled, self-ordained Occultists, Magicians, Adepts, Satanists and Gurus (both on and offline), Magic is never 100% wholly explainable: many assholes, therefore, have picked up LaVey's "Satanic Bible," skip-read it and have stupidly thought: "I think I'll be a satanist!" This why the destructive potential of his book cannot be minimized. Many wannabes (as distinct from real, genuine Satanist who may recognize themselves as such after reading LaVey's book) have leapt into the LaVey Ritual System - which is one of the few genuine, Powerful Magical Systems in existence - and have come severely unstuck indeed.

Just as with Lesser Magic, repeated, sincere practice of the LaVey System of Satanic Magic often produces surprising, unforseen effects, events, situations and synchronicities - (which may or may not link to/with the original purpose of the Ritual) - all of which I think are designed to stimulate the genuine, devoted Satanist and to frighten off any lily-livered, wannabe Diabolists, pseudo-satanist and ego-tripping assholes whose overblown-egos dictate their actions, and whose approach to satanism is akin to a drunken hobo staggering into a warehouse full of fireworks whilst smoking a butt.

Q: Dr. LaVey describes Greater Magic as the following: "Its main function is to isolate the otherwise dissipated adrenal and other emotionally induced energy, and convert it into a dynamically transmittable force." Is it correct to say, that at the very least, Greater Magic is operating and working from the premise that personal "bio-adrenal" energy is capable of being projected and somehow swaying events?

Yes, Greater Magic is precisely that: The summoning up and harnessing of bio-adrenal (or human emotional) forces in the Ritual Chamber in order to send them out into the outside world and accomplish the Will of the participant(s). Whatever the goal of the Ceremony, any and all emotions associated with the desired result must be exercised and indulged into the full during the Ritual - not before or after. For LaVey, Ritual Magic was uncomplicated: contrary to the unnecessarily confusing, confounding and confabulated mysticism-based, Judeo-Christian themed schemas of the Mainstream (Popular) Occult Tradition.

LaVey specifically structured his Ritual System to work in unison with the already existing potentials, powers, skills, attributes and special qualities of those who would practice the Art. He further accuratetly perceived that many people utterly wasted their emotions on a daily basis whilst leading meaningless, empty lives. Why could they not actively employ natural, human cravings, desires, expressions of love and hate, etc in a positive way - in carefully constructed Psychodramas? The exerice of such Rituals not only involves high emotional involvement on the part of any and all who would participate in them but also demands 1000% suspension of the condition of cynical, inculcated disbelief which defines the waking existences of most (brainwashed) people.

Detractors of LaVey and his Satanic Magic have cited his Ritual "playlets" as simple psychological "group therapy" sessions to un-burden hung-up people - rather than Occult Ceremonies. They miss the point: LaVey actively and unambiguously combined proven psychological stratagems and techniques with his own, individualistic, innovative approach to the subject of Magic & Ritual. He stripped away all of the nonsense which had been associated with Occultism for generations and gave what was left its right and proper name: "Satanism" - aka: real, genuine Occultism.

Q: Anything you'd like to share before I let you go? Perhaps your up in coming book or the releasing of "Satanic Sounds" soundtrack in the near future?

Well, my book - "Satan Rising!" - is due out at the beginning of the next year (published by Mandrake Of London) and is a no-bullshit history of Satanism featuring the real, genuine movers & shakers in the real sphere of Satanism. It will be a refreshing change for those who have been hoodwinked, conned, cajoled, tricked or otherwise ripped-off by the legions of online pseudo-satanic assholes who have self-published their own trash and self-appointed themselves as the "New Satanic Kids On The Block" for the 21st Century. As I have said, these lily-livered goombahs have about as much to do with genuine Satanism as has a park-dwelling hobo with earning millions. As the real thing, I see it as my sworn duty to educate as many people as possible about real, bona fide, genuine Satanism whilst vehemently raising a middle finger to all of the fake-Diabolist, Crowley/LaVey wannabes/clones all-around un-satanic Internet bullshitters wherever they may hang out. Far too many naive, genuinely curious individuals are unfortunately encountering (as a first-contact) one or more of these online pseudo-satanic, copyist, wannabe sub-morons.

"Satanic Sounds" does not have a release date yet but I fully intend to market it on as wide a scale as possible. The contents are designed as background sounds for Satanic Rituals and I have sound-tracked some of my YouTube films with samples. Based more on Mick Jagger's composition for Kenneth Anger's film "Invocation Of My Demon Brother" (1969) more than any mainstream musical influence. As I have said, I have deliberately, meticulously and Magically structured the pieces on the "Satanic Sound" CD so that they will interact with, enhance and boost, the power and influence of Satanic Rituals.