Monday, December 26, 2016

Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim

Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim: ‘We Will Continue to Invest in Israel’

Jews have played a destructive role in the history of Mexico. Much of the Northern Mexico's middle and upper classes are Jews and there are various examples of Crypto-Jewish communities throughout Mexico. There are the Garza family, one of Mexico's richest, of Cerveceria Moctezuma fame, are also known to be Jews. The "Muslim" Crypto-Jew Carlos Slim Helu is no exception, his father Khalil Salim Haddad Aglamaz emigrated to Mexico from Lebanon (then part of the Ottoman Empire in 1929) and later changed his name to Julian Slim Haddad. The scrubbing of ones name is a common practice among Jews who try to avoid detection from their new adapted country. Carlos Slims' (Salim) presence has been more nefarious than advantageous for Mexico. The monopolizing of the entire region has made him immensely rich, ironically in a country where the Mexican peso is vastly devalued and most live below poverty lines, revealing the parasitic financial practices that Jews are all to well known for. This article showcases Carlos Slim's loyalty to his Judaic tribe, a loyalty that will take precedence over Mexico's and its peoples own interest.


 By Joshua Levit

Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim (left) with Mobli CEO Moshe Hogeg. Photo: Mobli.

The world’s second-wealthiest man, Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, said he plans to continue to invest in Israel, particularly in the healthcare and telecoms industry, after investing inIsraeli photo and video-sharing platform Mobli earlier this month,Israel’s Globes business daily reportedlate on Thursday.

“We will continue to invest in Israel. We have nothing concrete at the moment, and we’re focusing on strengthening our investment in Mobli Ltd., but we will definitely continue to invest. As far as we’re concerned, everything is open,” Slim said. Three weeks ago, Slims’s América Móvil led a $60 million round of investment in Mobli. As part of the deal, Mobli will get distribution with the mobile carrier’s 246 million mole subscribers in 18 countries.

Speaking to reporters, Slim said, “We have not targeted any specific company, but every field is possible. We’re especially interested in the healthcare industry and telecommunications, but I do not rule out finances or retail. We’re very open to anything that moves innovation forward.”

The billionaire’s attention to Israel came as part of a business conference organized in concert with Israeli President Shimon Peres’s state visit to Mexico.

Slim, whose family emigrated to Mexico from Lebanon, would not comment directly to reporters when or if he planned to visit Israel, personally. However, at a working meeting with Peres, Slim said, “I am excited by the invitation and I would be pleased to visit Israel.”

His son, Carlos Slim, Jr., 46, an heir-apparent to the Slim’s empire, toldGlobes that “Mexico could be a very interesting target for investment by Israeli companies. There are also possibilities for Israeli companies to link up with Mexican companies and joint develop activity.”