Tuesday, December 24, 2019

All I Want For Christmas

By Fullmoon Ancestry

Albert Chevallier Tayler, The Christmas Tree, 1911

All I want for Christmas is for white men to be happy. Yes, you read that correctly. I want you, white man, to be happy this Christmas. Wherever you are and whoever you are with, I want you to be happy. What do I mean by this? Let’s find out!

I’ve had the opportunity to spend Christmas in various places in the world, including the USA, Japan, Norway, Germany, and Ukraine. I’ve spent Christmas with family, friends, girlfriends, and more often than not, all alone by myself. On this special day, I’ve seen friends get engaged, family members get into fights, and I’ve taken many walks alone.

Yet every single year, I’m always happy on Christmas. I have a lot of reasons for this, but the most important reason is that I’ve always been able to chat with my mom or receive an email from her. No matter where I was or who I was spending Christmas with, hearing from my mom always cheered me up and made me feel happy.

But what is happiness? Greater minds than mine have been contemplating this idea for thousands of years, and even they haven’t come up with a simple or straightforward answer. But my mom taught me a valuable lesson when I was a kid that has stuck with me till this very day. She explained to me that happiness isn’t always getting what you want, but appreciating what you’ve got, when you’ve got it, before it’s gone. Because, as she often explained, nothing lasts forever.

I will admit that this is easier said than done, especially since my mom has always put up with my extreme music, worldview, and personality. Many of our fellow brothers don’t have family members as understanding or supportive as mine. Many of our guys have lost friends and family members these last few years due to our views and concerns.

Nevertheless, I want all of you to take the time this Christmas and consider all the things you have, and try to be appreciative of them. Even if it means just being thankful for having a roof over your head, food in your stomach, clothes on your back, and your health. This isn’t to say you should ignore your problems or settle for mediocrity in your life. I just want you to realize the things you do have in your life, with the hope that this acknowledgement can make you happy, or at least cheer you up, on Christmas.

A few guys I know have told me they often get lonely during the holidays because they don’t have a girlfriend or can’t find a woman. To that, I usually respond, jokingly, by saying “no woman, no problem.” After mutual laughs, I try to explain to them that a woman can never make a man truly happy. Only a man can make himself happy, by doing the things that give their lives meaning and purpose. Being with the right woman might make you happier, but being with the wrong woman can definitely make you unhappy. So if you have a good woman in your life, take the time to appreciate her this Christmas. If you don’t have a woman, be happy you’re not with the wrong woman, and realize that you have the freedom to either search for a woman or simply focus on yourself.

If you find yourself alone without friends or family this Christmas, think about the things that make you happy, or at least hobbies that you enjoy. For me, the things that I enjoy most when I’m alone is listening to heavy metal, reading fantasy books, and playing role playing video games. When I’ve found myself alone (or with bad company) during the holidays, these activities definitely saved the day for me.

Or better yet, reach out to our guys and say hello and wish them a merry Christmas or good Yule. Even a simple text message or email might make their day. I know it may seem trivial or redundant, but trust me, it’s the thought that counts and our guys will definitely appreciate it.

Of all the places I’ve spent Christmas at, the best times and memories I’ve had were in Schneeberg, Germany. This is a small town in the Erzgebirge region of Saxony. I used to go there every Christmas to visit my heavy metal friends. We would eat and drink at various family member homes, where I definitely got my share of German food, beer, and TV holiday specials. More importantly, I got to spend time with people who treated me like family and accepted me for who I am. I felt happy because I felt that I was part of their family and community.

As time went on, my friends eventually got full-time jobs, relocated, or got married and had kids. I don’t see them as much, and I don’t get to visit Schneeberg as often as I’d like. Hence the importance of appreciating things when you can, as nothing lasts forever. Nevertheless, I always try to message them on Christmas and check in on them. I’m happy for them, and I’m happy for both the great times we had and when I get to hear from them on Christmas.

This year, I’m spending Christmas in Eger, Hungary. Eger is a small, but historic city that is known for its fortress that successfully withstood various sieges of the invading Ottoman Empire in the 16th century. There was even a famous historical novel about one of the sieges called Eclipse of the Crescent Moon, by Géza Gárdonyi.

This Christmas, I’m very thankful to the Hungarian people that risked their lives in defending Europe from foreign invaders. I’m also very happy that I can spend this Christmas visiting the fortress, eating Lángos, and drinking holiday wine while messaging my mom and friends around the world. I might also play some video games, read a chapter or two of Egri Csillagok (to practice my Hungarian), and listen to some classic metal albums (Fighting the World).

So whether you are spending the holiday with friends, family, or by yourself, I want you to be happy. I want you to appreciate what you have, while you still have it. And most of all, I want you to have a merry Christmas and good Yule. Glück auf.

The Literal War On Christmas

  By Nicholas R. Jeelvy

Syrians celebrate Christmas as Israel rains down bombs

Can you feel that magic in the air? It is the most wonderful time of the year. People from all over the world retreat to their hearths and homes to celebrate Christmas, to be with their families, to enjoy warmth, to remember good times, to reflect on the year past. It is a time of good cheer, of rest after a grueling 12 months of labor, it is the time when we celebrate our Savior’s birth, and the winter solstice, when the day is the shortest and the sun is reborn. It is a time of mistletoe, of snowmen, of presents, of Christmas trees and Christmas markets. It is a time when European man, even if he has precious little to eat, spares no expense to prepare his home for that most auspicious of visitors – the spirit of Christmas. It is a time of joy. Who could possibly want to ruin the season?  To ask the question is to answer it.

OUR GREATEST ALLY has seen fit to bombard Syria just as that country is preparing to celebrate Christmas. According to Syrian Girl  and Sarah Abdallah the Jewish state does this every year, to ruin the hope of the Syrian people, who gather to celebrate Christmas in a truly ecumenical way. As a bonus, the Israeli missiles also seem to have violated Lebanese airspace.


Your average conservative understands that the celebration of Christmas is under attack in the West. He will correctly point out that the Left seeks to stamp out Christmas and replace it with “holidays” such as Hanukah and Kwanzaa, or something even more repulsively homogenizing and non-denominational. He considers a wish of “happy holidays” an act of war against Christmas. But he will turn a blind eye, like a good little cuckservative, to the literal war waged upon Christians on Christmas by the state of Israel, with very real missiles striking Damascus.

In the darkest of hours of Europe, in the first year of the Great War, the spirit of Christmas descended upon the trenches. The men got out of their encampments and extended their arms in friendship to each other across No Man’s Land. The Christmas Truces were an oasis of peace and togetherness in that tortured epoch of division and war, and in that moment, European men, English, German, and French, broke bread together, sang carols, and played Christmas games. For a minute, the war was put on hold, harking back to the old European tradition of chivalry, which forbade battle on holy days, which forbade the torture and execution of war prisoners, the tradition out of which the Geneva conventions and the Peace of Westphalia arose, the tradition of European man’s attempt, futile in its last but nevertheless incomparably noble, to civilize even that most savage of human activities—war.

It is quite informative that the Jewish state of Israel would make a point of waging war on the second-holiest day of Christendom. It is even more informative that they make the point of waging their war against Syria, which is one of few countries in the Middle East where Christians can freely worship and live unmolested. Now, I am certain that the Jewish state has good strategic reasons for waging war on Syria and not, say, Saudi Arabia, but in the context of general Jewish attitudes towards Jesus and Christians, I am inclined to believe that there is a significant element of anti-Christian hatred to their choice of target and time. Christian joy on the day of our Savior’s birth itself incites Jewish resentment, these people without joy in their hearts, who narcissistically consider themselves the Chosen Ones, but whose entire religion is predicated on rejecting the messiah because his teachings weren’t quite to their taste.

Like many people who come from broken families, Christmas holds for me more bad memories than good. There is a tightness in my throat as I contemplate Christmas. A cold dread grips my heart as Christmas steadily approaches—a relic of the time when my sincerest Christmas wish was that the Christmas tree would survive the daily fights which would often culminate in violence. In my adult life, Christmas is a melancholy time, a time of mixed emotions as I am both reminded of past travails and pain, and a time when I open my heart to joy, to a truly childlike joy. If we had snow, I’d go running and dancing in the snow.

None are viler than those who ruin Christmas. To cause your fellow man pain in this time of joy is downright evil. It is a behavior that we in the Balkans associate with Albanian and Bosniak Muslim terrorists who would purposefully conduct terror attacks on Christmas, Easter, and other Christian holy days. We are under no illusion that the Muslims are our friends—why should we believe that the other ethno-religious group which wages war on Christmas is friendly to us. We do not speak of Islamo-Christian values (though the case for Islamo-Christian values is stronger), and yet our conservative luminaries are big on the Judeo-Christian values. Here’s a handy comparison: the Muslims believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, performed miracles, and they accept his ministry. What they disagree on is his divinity and his resurrection. In this sense, Islam is a Christological heresy, of a kind with Mormonism and Arianism (though much greater in scope). Judaism, on the other hand, contends that Jesus is in Hell, boiling in a vat of excrement and semen. That is not a disagreement about theology. That is a pronouncement of pure hatred.

In this magical and wonderful time, it is important to remember that no matter how powerful and well-entrenched our enemies are, they cannot triumph over us and they cannot take our joy. They tried to conquer Syria and feed her Christian population to the Salafi/Wahabi nutters. Now the spirit of Christmas is welcome in Damascus and Aleppo, as Christians fill their hearts with joy, safe in the knowledge that their Muslim neighbors will not molest them. Syria has weathered the worst of the storm. Now it is our turn. We must retake our nations and make our cities safe for the spirit of Christmas again, as they once were. We will have, for at least one miraculous night, peace on Earth and good will among men.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Faustian Spirit

                            By William Pierce


French translation here

The following article is an elaboration of a portion of an address by Dr. William Pierce to the General Convention of the National Alliance in September, 1978, entitled “The World View of the National Alliance.” 

In the late Middle Ages there lived in Germany a remarkable scholar reputed to have unraveled Nature’s mysteries and to be able to employ his knowledge in wondrous and magical ways. Some regarded him as a skilled alchemist, who had acquired his powers through diligent work: in the laboratory; others said he was only a trickster, who was more a master of sleight-of-hand than of alchemy; but most eventually came to regard him as a conjurer, who had made a pact with the Devil, exchanging his soul in return for knowledge and power.

The mysterious scholar was Doctor Johann Faust (c. 1480–c. 1538), and the many legends which grew up about him captured the imaginations of writers, poets, and composers in succeeding generations. Half a century after his death there was published in Germany a book comprising these legends, Historia von Dr. Johann Fausten, by Johann Spiess, which soon appeared also in English and French versions.

Late in the 16th century the English playwright Christopher Marlowe wrote his Tragical History of Doctor Faustus based on these legends. After that countless others took up the Faust theme: the theme of man striving to exceed his ordained bounds, seeking knowledge beyond that allotted to others.


The most noted writer in this vein was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the first part of whose long dramatic poem Faust was published in 1808. Drawing primarily on Goethe’s treatment, Berlioz and Gounod, among others, composed operas. Throughout the 19th century and well into the 20th, symphonies, poems, plays, and novels dealing with the Faust legend continued to appear.

The subject evidently resonates with something deep in the European soul. In fact, one may easily see a precursor of the Faust legend in that of Odin, whose quest for truth and understanding led him to give up one of his eyes and to be hanged for nine days from the World Tree.

In the many versions of the Faust legend various elements are emphasized, but the persistent theme is that mentioned above: the quest of exceptional men for an understanding of life and Nature: the reaching out for a new level of existence, for a fuller development of latent powers.

It is from this persistent theme, rather than from the semi-historical account of the life of Dr. Johann Faust or from anyone of the fictional works using his name that we draw the meaning attached to the adjective “Faustian” today. The word refers to a spiritual tendency in the race which has shown such fascination down through the ages with the idea behind the Faust legend. It describes a fundamental urge or drive latent in the soul of European man—and active in a few exceptional Europeans.

The Faustian urge in our race-soul says to us: “Thou shalt not rest or be content, no matter what thy accomplishments. Thou must strive all the days of thy life. Thou must discover all things, know all things, master all things.”

European man’s Faustian urge is quite different from the urge in the Levantine soul to accumulate, to possess, the craving to pile up money beyond all reason, the lust for personal aggrandizement. And it is, of course, antithetical to what might be called the mañana spirit of the Latin peoples, which says to them: “Enjoy life. Don’t hurry. You don’t need to know what lies beyond the next ridge.”

It is the source of both our basic restlessness as a race and our basic inquisitiveness. It is what makes adventurers of us, drives us to risk our lives in ventures which can bring us no conceivable material benefit—something which is totally foreign to other races, accustomed to judging everything according to its utility only.

It is the Faustian urge which has made our race the pre-eminent race of explorers, which has driven us to scale the highest mountains in lands inhabited by men of other races who have been content to remain always in the valleys. It is what, more than intellect alone, has made us likewise the pre-eminent race of scientists—especially in those days before the practice of science became a well-paid profession. It is what sent us to another world and has us now reaching for the stars.

But the Faustian urge is also more than all these things. It raises those imbued with it above the economic men, who, in the eyes of Western politicians and Eastern commissars, of labor bosses and captains of industry, of neo-liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans alike, are the sole denizens of the earth. It makes of man more than a mere consumer or producer. It is, more than anything else, the manifestation of the Divine in man’s soul.

The opening scene in Goethe’s Faust conveys the idea of the Faustian spirit expressed above: Faust is a restless scholar who has plumbed all of human knowledge but whose soul remains unslaked, his craving for ultimate truth unabated. Alone in his study, late at night, he gazes with a mixture of awe and desire on the sign of the Macrocosmos, and he says to himself, “Was it a god who engraved this sign which stills my inner tumult and fills my heart with joy, which with a mysterious force unveils the secrets of Nature all around me? . . . Where shall I grasp thee, oh infinite Nature?”

But Goethe paints other aspects of his protagonist’s character besides the one we have called “Faustian.” It may be that a better or, at least, less ambiguous—adjective would be “Odyssean” or “Ulyssean,” because the English poet Alfred Tennyson, in one short poem, really strikes closer to the sense of the word that we want to convey than does Goethe or any of the other writers about the Faust legend.

Tennyson’s hero’s desire is “to follow knowledge like a sinking star, / beyond the utmost bound of human thought.” To Ulysses, “all experience is an arch wherethro’ / gleams that untravelled world whose margin fades / for ever and for ever when I move.”

Even in old age, after a much fuller and more eventful life than ordinary men are granted, Ulysses says, “’Tis not too late to seek a newer world. / . . . my purpose holds / to sail beyond the sunset, and the baths / of all the western stars, until I die.” He sees himself as “made weak by time and fate, but strong in will / to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

And just as Goethe’s Faust is contrasted with his famulus, or student-servant, the pedantic Wagner, even more strongly—and much more concisely—does Tennyson contrast Ulysses with his son Telemachus, a man of “slow prudence . . . centered in the sphere / of common duties,” and quite lacking in his father’s driving spirit.

Yet, common usage favors “Faustian” over “Ulyssean,” and we shall be satisfied with it.

From a strictly anthropological viewpoint, we may seek a clue to European man’s Faustian tendency in the particulars of his evolutionary development. He was, for 10,000 generations, a hunter of the herds of bison and reindeer and mammoths which roamed the frozen plain of northern Europe during the Ice Ages. We might expect, therefore, that he should show the inquisitiveness he does, which is the mark of the predator, whether cat or man—but we might also ask why other races which went through a hunting phase do not show it to the same degree.

We might expect, because our ancestors followed the herds in their seasonal migrations for so many centuries, owning only the property they could carry on their backs, that they should have acquired the restlessness of the wanderer, while more sedentary races should have become, over the eons, more inclined to accumulation and less to exploration. But, again, there have been more southerly nomadic races which seem not to have become imbued with the Faustian spirit.

The rigor of the northern climate, the challenge of the ever-changing seasons certainly shaped the character of our race as strongly as any other factor. Aggressiveness, venturesomeness, boldness were traits which enabled our ancestors to find and exploit every scarce possibility for survival in a harsh and unforgiving environment. But the Mongoloid peoples, who evolved in a similarly harsh environment, seem to have responded somewhat differently to it and are today characterized more by stolidity than venturesomeness.

We can only conclude that the Faustian spirit is the consequence of a unique and transitory combination of causative factors, to which a single race was exposed over a period just long enough to effect the necessary genetic transformation and give it a tenuous racial basis. Even in our own race it manifests itself strongly only in the few who prefer adventure to advantage, accomplishment to acquisition, self-knowledge to self-satisfaction, the conquest of new worlds to the convenience and safety of the old, a true understanding of the Absolute to the unquestionability of a narrow orthodoxy.

The race which is the bearer of this spirit must, therefore, be doubly careful that its genetic basis is preserved—that it does not become a race solely of lawyers, clerks, laborers, and merchants but remains a race also of philosophers, explorers, poets, and inventors: of seekers of ultimate knowledge, of strivers toward the perfection which is Godhood.

When we take the longest viewpoint, we can see that the Faustian spirit, tenuous though it may be, is European man’s entire justification for existence.

Source: National Vanguard, no. 65, 1978; reprinted in The Best of Attack! and National Vanguard Tabloid, ed. Kevin Alfred Strom (Arlington, Va.: National Vanguard Books, 1984), p. 145.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Groyper Wars IV: A New Hope

                         By Nicholas R. Jeelvy


It’s been about a month from the day two enterprising young men went up to Charlie Kirk, wearing suits and clutching rosaries, to ask him tough questions about the nature of America, the goals of conservatism, the utility of funding foreign nations, and the future of immigration into the USA.

Whether or not they knew that they would unleash a rift in the conservative movement not seen since 2016, the halls of Conservative Inc. are trembling with anticipation. Many questions were posed, none were successfully answered, and the quest for answers might just spiral into something more interesting than merely trolling a few cuckservative hand puppets.

I, for my part, have tried to make sense of the groyper phenomenon (herehere, and here) within the context of Dissident Rightist thought, specifically my belief that the American Empire is nearing its end and that the American nation is yet to emerge from its ashes. The groypers might just be the first step towards this process of ethnogenesis. Every journey of self-discovery starts with an unanswered question. Now that the assault on cuckservative Q&A sessions has wound down, the movement will enter its next phase, so it is a good time to reflect on this month of developments.

The worst part about covering the groyper war was the breakneck pace at which it all unfolded. I do not make snap conclusions, and my thought process usually includes a lot of walking by the river, hiking up the local mountainside, lifting weights, staring into the distance while my wife accuses me of ignoring her, hashing out arguments in verbal form while playing action-packed video games and absorbing the relevant data.

It’s thorough but slow, and so, by the time that my analysis of the stalemate at North Carolina State University came out, the groypers had successfully adapted and routed Charlie Kirk at the University of Houston. The article itself was finished and sent to Counter-Currents for editing about 10 minutes before the Houston event started. My predictions that the groypers would rapidly adapt and that Conservative Inc. just isn’t cut out for rough and aggressive counterattacking as attempted by Charlie Kirk were proven right, but the timing of it all made it a bit hollow.

Now that the events have wound down, however, we hang up our hats and coats, we retire to our sitting room, to our favorite armchair by the fire, pour ourselves a glass of the 12-year good stuff, put on our thinking caps and comfortable slippers, and contemplate with walrus-mustached mindfulness the consequences of the conflict.

Conservative Inc. is predictably losing its mind. A coordinated effort to smear Nick Fuentes, who has emerged as the most eminent so-called groyper general, has been undertaken by National Review, TPUSA, YAF, an effort spearheaded by Benny Johnson, Ben Shapiro, and Charlie Kirk, and supported by the broader Conservative Inc. Check out this twitter thread. Even if you weren’t a Nick Fuentes fan before, this series of videos will turn you into one (hello, cookie math department?).

This has prompted a counterattack by Nick Fuentes and allies who’ve dug into the sordid pasts of many Conservative Inc. luminaries. Salacious details have emerged, from massive amounts of premarital sex at YAF conferences, to Kassy Dillon’s employment of a literal child-molester who made threats to kill blacks on the subway, to YAF’s connection to a PAC linked to Richard Spencer’s National Policy Institute, not to mention Ben Shapiro’s advocacy of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.

Oy vey doesn’t even begin to cover it. More and more it looks as if kissing the right rings and greasing the right palms gives card-carrying members of Conservative Inc. the right to employ, associate with, and speak like literal wignats who call for violence against nonwhites. And here was I thinking we’re the bad guys.

Good news: the groypers have received support implicitly from such figures as Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson, and explicitly from one Michelle Malkin. YAF has disassociated from her for her vocal support of Nick Fuentes. Malkin, despite being a nonwhite civic nationalist, is strongly opposed to mass legal immigration and even “merit-based” legal immigration, which she decries as a way of selling American citizenship to rich Chinese and other wealthy infiltrators of America. This, in my humble opinion, puts her a cut above the cuckservative dog and pony show.

Now, I remember Malkin from the Bush years. She is an eminent member of the conservative commentariat. Getting a vote of confidence from her gives the groypers an inroad to a greater audience. The spreaders of negativity should also take note that Michelle Malkin’s deplatforming by YAF has not damaged her or the groypers, but YAF and Conservative Inc. Our enemies’ edifice is rather weak. They are being rapidly exposed as gate-keepers and pacifiers of a resurgent America.

The response from the dissident right has been interesting. Three general patterns of response have emerged – the optimistic, the cautious and the bitter. Let’s dive into what’s what.

The optimistic views are well-represented here at Counter-Currents, not only through my own efforts, but also in the front-line reporting of new writer Thomas Steuben and the meticulous analysis of Robert Hampton. Outside of Counter-Currents, we can count on YouTuber RamZPaul and comedy duo Revenge of the Cis for optimistic support of the groyper rebellion, outside of the so-called groyper generals themselves. We see in the groypers a force for good, a way for Dissident Rightist ideas to make a comeback after the defeats of 2017 and meanderings of 2018. Not for nothing is the energy of 2016 being brought up again.

This time, however, we are shorn of much of the Alt-Lite grifters who proved themselves to be cowardly, duplicitous, driven by vainglory and greed as well as personally odious and degenerate. First of all, it is obvious that the so-called groyper generals are men of significantly greater integrity than the Jack Posobiecs and Mike Cernoviches of the world, and secondly, the groyper generals aren’t quite commanding the movement as much as they are surfing the wave of America First youthful energy. At some strange and high levels of complexity, the general commands the army at the same time as the army guides him forward.

Bleeding into the optimistic camp are the cautious, ranging from the cautiously optimistic, to the overly cynical who would be optimists, if not for having seen many failures in the past. Of the cautious camp, the most eloquent, if not the most widely known are Jean-Francois Gariépy and Semiogogue.

Semiogogue approaches the matter with cautious optimism (link to: )  and offers excellent tactical advice to the groypers, which I endorse. Of note is that Semiogogue’s video was published following the stalemate at NCSU, and that the groypers have already taken much of his advice and adapted.

JF, however, approaches the matter with less optimism and although he supports the idea of a revolt against Conservative Inc. he has major objections to Nick Fuentes’ approach to optical presentation, arguing specifically that Conservative Inc. is an absolute master of optics and that the groypers cannot defeat it in a battle of optics.

While I am open to JF’s criticism and recognize that he reveals several weak points of the movement as it exists, I would like to see him defend his position in open discourse with Nick or better yet, another groyper general (preferably Vincent James or Steve Franssen). Of course, it wouldn’t hurt him to read my essay on the dynamics of Alt-Lite vs. Dissident Right. Being optics-conscious isn’t optics cucking, and to paraphrase Sam Francis, optics aren’t everything, but they aren’t nothing.

I say all this cognizant of the fact that at the core of it, J.F. probably dislikes the non-biological frame which the groypers are using due to his status as a biologist and that the man has always been a bit of a downer, which is on-brand for an existentialist Frenchman blackpilled on the DNA-based life question. J.F. has also quizzed Rei MurasameKeith Woods,and Aleksandr Dugin on their positions with regard to the groyper war which I commend. He approaches the matter in a methodical manner typical of a scientist gathering data.

Finally, we come to the bitter view. Nobody is more emblematic of this approach than one Richard B. Spencer, president of the NPI. In a rather unflattering appearance on The Public Space (yes, I do watch a lot of JF’s content), he accused the groypers and Nick Fuentes of acting as yappy lapdogs for Donald Trump, under the direction of Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos.

Spencer’s creatures, including the ever-nauseating Eric Stryker and delusion-peddler Mark Brahmin have flooded my twitter feed with paranoid confabulation about the true motivations of the groypers, Nick Fuentes, and other groyper generals. They’ve decried America First conservatism as cuckery and weakness, spreading negativity and defeatism and trying to derail the uprising by demanding a return to the disastrous presentation of the 2016–2017 era.

Attempts by the groypers to tamp down on wackier comrades and even outright TPUSA plants who want to make the America First message “all anti-Israel, all the time” are construed as cuckery.

Of note is that much like the finger-waggers of Conservative Inc., the wignat approach has been to conflate the America First movement with Nick Fuentes himself and hope to destroy the phenomenon by attacking Nick Fuentes. In a fundamental misunderstanding of optics and politicking, the bitter wignat brigade has poured scorn on the groyper phenomenon, ranting about everything from the “Jewish God” of Catholics, to the alleged misdirection of racialist energies.

I suppose this was to be expected from a bunch of imperialists.

As I’ve already written here, the groypers and the broader America First movement are vectors of the deep American nation which is yet to emerge in the wake of the collapse of the American Empire. Richard Spencer is on the record denouncing nationalism in favor of imperialism – he seeks not to topple the globalist elite, but to replace them and then “rule the fucking world,” showing those octoroon midget kikes exactly who is boss. If the groyper commitment to an America First foreign policy is implemented, much of the infrastructure necessary for “ruling the fucking world” will be dismantled. For someone who has sneered at the idea of happy homelands, it makes excellent sense to oppose the idea of constructing a happy homeland for the American nation.

Furthermore, it doesn’t surprise me that religious fantasist Mark Brahmin would oppose a movement which puts its Christian, and specifically Catholic faith at the forefront. Whatever your opinion of Catholicism, we can agree that it has a two-thousand-year tradition, with pomp, ritual, and actual adherents, which is more than one can say for Brahmin’s hare-brained and delusional attempt to frame the history of religion as a struggle between Aryan Apollo-worshippers and Semitic Prometheus-worshippers (yes, it really is that crazy).

Rounding out the bitter brigade is outright socialist Eric Stryker, who seems insistent on repeating tired 20th-century tropes even as the 21st is nearly a fifth past. While the groypers, the America First movement and others are cognizant of the problems with untrammeled free-market capitalism, it is important to remember that tradition isn’t socialism and that the righteousness of traditional limits on free markets, and especially free international trade does not mean that outright socialism is righteous. Being Dissident Rightist, we are skeptical of both the free-market capitalist position AND the state-operated socialist economy. Third positionism means markets where markets can do good and intervention where intervention can do good.

For their part, the America First patriots seem to be firmly in the third position camp, prioritizing national security and the American worker before the economy (even assuming that the economy is helped by neoliberal policy), while opposing to various degrees free-market capitalism and free foreign trade, especially as propagated by Conservative Inc. The groypers are right to distance themselves from these toxic people and their self-defeating ideas.

Routing Charlie Kirk and others in Q&A sessions was the beginning of something fresh and new. Rattling the cage of globohomo’s tame conservatives has sparked a civil war within the American mainstream right. With allies such as Michelle Malkin and Tucker Carlson, the America First conservatives can go far and they can shift the Overton window to the right. The concerns of ordinary Americans have been loudly voiced, so loudly that the tired old cuckservative chants of free markets and legal immigration have been drowned out. TPUSA is falling apart, and YAF seems to be following in its footsteps.

Having dealt a mortal blow to Conservative Inc., the groyper army retires to winter quarters, as the snows close in and the Yuletide approaches. In these days of reflection, as we sink ever deeper into our comfortable armchairs, we look back fondly on the courage of the first two groypers, the decisive victories in Florida and Texas, the now-famous groyping of Donald Trump Jr., and even the stalemate at NCSU which exposed the systemic weaknesses of Conservative Inc. and in the long term, exposed the futility of wignat tactics.

From our repose by the fireplace, we look to even greater victories as we move into 2020, the year of the US Presidential election, which increasingly looks like the last hurrah of the American empire and politics as usual before something new is born, something midwifed by the groypers and the America First movement.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Groypin' Ain't Easy

                          By Nicholas R.Jeelvy


The ongoing conflict between Conservative Inc. and the America First wing of the Right has escalated. Whereas previously Conservative Inc. has been getting it good and hard from the intrepid groypers, this recent engagement at North Carolina State University has seen Conservative Inc. improvising and adapting to, if not quite overcoming, the amphibian opposition.Charlie Kirk, who’d managed to get himself quite a reputation as a punching bag for green-fisted questioners, actually fought back. Several online pundits – even so-called Groyper Generals such as Nick Fuentes – have declared the event a defeat, and they are in a sense right. In another sense, the North Carolina event, if less than perfect, cannot be quite painted as a defeat. This is for several simple, yet counterintuitive reasons which will be the subject of this analysis.

First, let’s get the obvious out of the way. There were at least several false-flag plants among the audience whose mission was to associate the America First patriots with neo-Nazism, stupidity, and defunct organizations, chief among them the fuckhead who rushed to the microphone when Charlie Kirk shoehorned Identity Evropa into the discussion. However much Conservative Inc. is paying him, it ain’t enough. This hurt the optics of the questioners something fierce. Secondly, the venue was smaller, which allowed Turning Point USA (TPUSA) to limit the amount of people who were present, and you can bet your bottom dollar that they screened against young, white men with alpha physiognomy, given that this is your model groyper. Thirdly, much of the low-hanging fruit with regard to tough questions had already been picked in previous events, so unless groypers want to repeat questions, they have to improvise and invent ever new ones. This is tough under the best of circumstances – and the circumstances weren’t even good.

Moving on, we observe in this event not just the usual passive-aggressive venue manipulation, line-jumping by TPUSA plants, and evasiveness by cuckservatives, but outright hostility and deception by Charlie Kirk. The first questioner’s question was derailed by a hostile Kirk forcing him to either endorse or denounce Identity Evropa, which he holds is “a neo-Nazi organization which intended to overthrow the government.” This was despite the fact that Identity Evropa (consistently mispronounced “Yevropa” by Chuckie Boy) being a defunct organization which was none of these things even when it existed. This led to the aforementioned TPUSA plant volunteering to defend this strawman of Identity Yevropa and wresting the microphone from the genuine groyper. For those interested in how Charlie managed to force this issue, this video by Steve Franssen should provide valuable insights. Overall, Charlie was biting back, answering questions with questions, and hectoring in a hostile tone. We are once again reminded of the long-term damage wrought to our movement by short-sighted people, like the ones who delivered this rhetorical weapon into Charlie Kirk’s hands. Any future nationalist movement will have to burn off this deadwood, whether it comes from White Nationalism 1.0 or the failures of the Alt Right period.

Here we arrive at the first way in which this defeat has traces of victory in it. Charlie Kirk and the rest of Cuckservative Inc. like to present themselves as rational, even-minded, and fair people, in contrast to the insane, mercurial, and bullying Left. Charlie might have beaten back the groyper question onslaught this time, but he did it by acting like a bully swinging at Yevropian phantoms. There is fault in the groypers, too, for preparing to deal with tame and gelded Charlie and not Ghostbuster Charlie, but the fact that Conservative Inc. has been forced to put on its war face is a minor victory in itself – especially since that war face is not quite warlike, but rather, bitchy and bullying. Schoolyard, not battleground. He sounds very much like a beta who first reads about negging women in order to get laid and then goes to the nearest woman and calls her a dirty whore in a shrill voice. This is in keeping with the conception that Conservative Inc. is staffed by low-energy, low-testosterone cucks. The war face and war tone are not a good fit for Chuckie Boy, and while this sudden change of tactics may have caught the groypers off-guard, in the long run, he cannot pull it off convincingly.

But even if Charlie and Co.’s newfound hostility does turn out to be an effective groyper repellent, it ultimately costs them more than it costs us. I will now draw an analogy with a military conflict, so to any and all disingenuous and dishonest journalists, Leftists, cuckservatives, federal agents, wignats, and other species of pond scum: THIS IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT OF OR INCITEMENT TO ILLEGAL ACTION.

During the Troubles in Northern Ireland, one of the greatest IRA victories came without much fanfare and did not lead to jaunty folk rock tunes about single-handedly taking out a column of British armored vehicles. By placing IEDs on the roads, the IRA forced the British Army to travel around Northern Ireland in helicopters, burning expensive helicopter fuel rather than comparatively cheaper gasoline, just to avoid casualties. This greatly escalated the price of the conflict for the British government, increasing the pressure to come to an accord with the IRA, and ultimately leading to the Good Friday Agreement which ended the conflict in the IRA’s favor. Now that the analogy has been made, the author disavows terrorist organizations, the construction and deployment of IEDs, and composing jaunty folk rock songs about liquidating members of the Royal Ulster Constabulary with an assault rifle.

The measures that Charlie Kirk has taken to eke out this stalemate masquerading as a victory against the groypers run contrary to the nature of both TPUSA and the broader cuckservative establishment. Their self-cultivated image of the open-minded, rational, and fair alternative to the nutcases and bullies of the Left falls apart if they point and sputter at defunct organizations in tones which are equal parts schoolyard bully and annoying yenta. So much for the rational Right.

Doesn’t sound like much? No, it doesn’t. But it is. If you force a boxer to fight like a wrestler, pretty soon he’s going to make a catastrophic mistake, even if the sudden change of stance throws you off your game on your first encounter. Similarly, in chess, the chaotic and improvisational style of amateurs can throw even grandmasters off balance, but the grandmaster will always recover from the initial shock and deliver a brilliant victory in the next game. Chuckie Boy’s mask of toughness does not become him.

Understanding these hidden victories is the key to understanding Fourth Generation Warfare. I warmly recommend that everyone reading this read the Fourth Generation Warfare Handbook by William S. Lind. In this sense, the groypers are a fourth generation political force, and victory doesn’t come in the shape of your classical rout, but rather in forcing the enemy to systematically play against type. This has been achieved in North Carolina. Now we look to the next encounter, in Texas, in order to observe the behavior of our enemy.

However, we’d be remiss if we did not look at ourselves and see that there is room for improvement. A new and improved fourth generation groyper may be necessary for the upcoming slog with Conservative Inc.’s machinery of evil. Steve Franssen urges groypers to familiarize themselves with Kirk’s trickery in the video linked above. Nick Fuentes has some advice and criticism of his own for the groypers. I generally agree with both of those takes, but with a caveat: Do not think of them as scripts. The classic mistake of betas trying to “learn game” is to think of it as a script to be implemented – and so you get the bitchiness demonstrated by Charlie Kirk.

Far better, in my humble opinion as a former actor, director, insurance salesman, and current attorney, is to actively transform yourself into a person capable of not only implementing what the groyper generals prescribe, but also thinking on your feet – and maybe a little bit of generalship yourself. This is a difficult and arduous task which will take a long time, but successfully completing it might just be the smartest thing you ever do – not just for the groyper wars, but for your entire life.

The key to becoming the kind of guy who can defend himself from Charlie Kirk’s attempts to reframe the discussion and even actively dominate Charlie Kirk is confidence. Confidence in yourself is, in my experience, the absence of fear (or more precisely, its conquest by courage). I heard a lot of shaky voices from groypers in the North Carolina video. Maybe the lack of fellow groypers in the audience (a situation purposefully engineered by TPUSA) discouraged them, but my instincts as a penniless hipster director who had to work with amateur actors tells me that they had a bad case of stage fright.

Stage fright can be fought in two ways. The first is rehearsing, which you ought to be doing anyway, and since we’ve now seen what Chuckie and probably other cuckservative puppets will do, you should rehearse with a friend who will play the role of Charlie Kirk. Make sure that your friend doesn’t play a caricature of whomever you’re questioning, and that he is presenting not a strawman but a steelman. You will have to outwit Charlie Kirk and fight off his reframes.

The second way is increasing your adrenaline tolerance. Experienced actors do not get stage fright because their systems handle adrenaline differently. Most of you reading this will probably not go out seeking glory on the boards of a theater, so the most practical way to flood your system with adrenaline is to practice martial arts, and specifically, open sparring, which you should be doing anyway. Nothing else in the civilian world compares. Once you’ve faced the oncoming fist of another man, Chuckie’s loaded questions will slide off you like crimes off a Clinton.

Take this with a big caveat: Not all of us are cut out for verbal swordplay, even against someone as hapless as Charlie Kirk, not to mention a motormouth like Ben Shapiro. And even if you are, you might not have the improvisational skills necessary to head off all attempts at reframing the conversation. Research your question, head off possible rabbit holes the enemy might want to lead you down, and keep your eyes on the ball. Train your body and mind to withstand the terror of scrutiny and attention, especially hostile attention. Do everything in your power to boost confidence. Tailoring and grooming become important not just due to optics, but also to give you that spring in your step, the hallmark of the well-dressed Chad. And if you feel you’re not up for it, step out of line. Live to fight another day.

The Groyper Wars have gone beyond the initial bombast. Conservative Inc. has cycled between gatekeeping tactics, from ignoring, mockery, indignation, and censorship, and seems to have stumbled upon a combination of bullying, manipulation, and reframing as a halfway successful counter to groyper questions. They are, however, playing against type, and cannot act as tough guys for much longer. It is now up to the groypers to adapt to this development. Above all, we have to watch the behavior of the beast and other actors – chief among them, President Trump. The battlefield is always changing, always shifting, and the rules of engagement and tactics are in flux. Vigilance, courage, and mastery of self will win the day.

What, you thought it would be easy? You’re better than that, anon.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Groyper War UCLA

                        By Thomas Steuben


Los Angeles, Sunday, November 10, 2019: Charlie Kirk’s Talking Points USA (TPUSA) organized an event at UCLA to promote Donald Trump Jr.’s new book, Triggered. But the event was cut short when the younger Trump, his homewrecker girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Charlie Kirk were heckled offstage – not by Left-wing protesters, but by America First populists. It was glorious.

I was one of them. This is what I saw.

My friends and I attended with some trepidation. We were staunch, but so few, and I wondered if there would there be plants, false flags, spergs, and so on. I was hoping to meet a few new people and keep up the momentum that others had started. Nobody thought that it would result in a decisive victory in exchange for such little effort and risk.

There is a thirty-five-minute video on YouTube of the event, and numerous small cellphone clips. Awesome as they are, even they do not capture how badass it was in actuality.

We arrived early and rehearsed our questions in case we were lucky enough not to be cucked by plants wearing backpacks to pathetically suggest that they had just sprinted from class (on a Sunday). While walking through the serene campus that was literally and figuratively above the urban squalor caused by its Marxist policies, we came across a lone man walking in the opposite direction. He had “the look”: clean-cut, good posture, and obviously lifts regularly. I wondered if he was just a generic frat bro or a fellow comrade. We asked him if he was a groyper, and got a yes. This was the first of dozens of cases of instantaneous and mutual recognition.

We walked past buildings of thoroughly European architecture in which thoroughly Jewish nonsense is now taught, passed by the Communist petting zoo containing a few lame protestors, and dutifully stood in line. Immediately, we had groyper friends. Time sped past as different bands of friends organically morphed into a single tribe. Anyone who says that America is a “proposition nation” is wrong. When real Americans meet together, they feel it in their blood.

Finally, they started to let us in. That security would be tight was a given, but it’s interesting that their security measures seemed designed to split large groups up. Divide and conquer is a time-tested tactic, but it did not avail them. It cannot work if at least two-thirds of the audience are groypers. It just added to the feeling that we were everywhere, and it helped us make even more friends.

The hall, with its quaint wooden rafters, seemed laughably small. It was barely an auditorium; more of a deluxe-sized lecture hall. There obviously had to be larger forums available on campus. It was clearly a tactic to keep us out: Rent a small hall and let UCLA students and VIPs in first. Not all of us who lined up got in, but we still outnumbered everyone else. We certainly overpowered them.

It started off with a girl in red doing pep rally-style cheers. Another girl then announced that, due to time restraints, there would no Q&A. The booing was loud and spontaneous. My previous fretting about timing our boos right and not overdoing it so we wouldn’t be kicked out was irrelevant. I don’t know if TPUSA was just being disorganized and dumb (again), or if she was a brave resistance fighter sabotaging them from within.

The initial explanation for there being no Q&A is very telling. The long video does not include it, probably deliberately because it is inconsistent with several other explanations given, one of which was that previous questions had been rude. Trump Jr. nonetheless mentioned that he had endured attacks at Leftist events that he had attended instead of being treated like a guest – despite the fact that he’s supposed to be a tough “culture warrior” like Kirk who can take criticism.

Most importantly, though, the event lasted less than forty-five minutes when it was supposed to go for two hours. It doesn’t take that long to shake hands and exchange pleasantries with such a meager handful of VIPs, and it would normally be an “after party” thing and not part of the main program. This was cowardice, plain and simple.

They had no problem trading jabs back and forth with a Muslim woman in a hijab and another liberal crybaby in the audience. Given that this legal immigrant cheered for Abu Bakr and Communist bread lines alike, I suspect that she was probably a plant; a convenient strawman to score Boomer-tier points against.

It is a lie that Left-wing protestors forced the event to end early. The few Leftists who got inside were more like useful props than a disruption.

Groyper questions hit hard. That’s why the establishment cannot endure them – or even a request for a Q&A – without rage quitting. Charlie Kirk asked some questions about Trump Jr.’s book while awkwardly sitting between him and his girlfriend. His body language was devoid of composure. He fidgeted, glanced about fearfully, and obviously wanted to retire to a tame cocktail party where nice, fake people exchange vapid pleasantries while the Republic sinks like Atlantis under a tidal wave of demographics and degeneracy.

Trump Jr. became increasingly agitated as well. He must have expected something, but not the thundering of a groyper legion. Despite the title of his book, Triggered, he was hardly unflappable. In fact, he was as triggered as any purple-haired, misgendered thot when chants of “Q&A,” “America First,” and “Build the Wall” went up. Isn’t it the Left that’s supposed to be triggered by “America First” and calls for free speech?

Ironically, the woman on stage had the most dominant presence. At one point, she told the liberals that “there are student health services available,” but the only people who needed such services that day were the cucks of Conservatism Inc.

Out of desperation, she hurled insults implying that we are incels who have to catfish on dating sites. Insulting the most ardent Trump supporters – young white men – is not a good election strategy. Apparently since we’re unfazed by the old insults of “fascist” and “Nazi,” they hope that “virgin” will work. All it does is make them look puerile, not to mention ridiculous given how chad we are. We’re thin, fit, handsome, with strong jaw lines and good haircuts, and exude a friendly confidence. The lone conservacuck who came up to us while waiting in line to simper about the plight of the Kurds (apparently they’re our second-greatest friend and ally) might have been an incel, but not us.

Despite having served as a criminal prosecutor, Guilfoyle came across as scolding instead of authoritative. I also couldn’t help but wonder how a former Deputy District Attorney could be so hostile or blind to matters of demographics. Didn’t she spend years of her life enduring first-hand numerous heartbreaking stories that could have been featured in Ann Coulter’s book, Adios, America?

It turns out that she was a member of the La Raza Lawyers Association, so it’s no surprise that she is as America First as Jared Kushner and Senator Feinstein, who likewise pledge allegiance to a foreign nation instead of the American flag. That Trump Jr. is romantically involved with a woman openly affiliated with “La Raza” should be a red flag that he, too, may have uncertain loyalties.

Conservatism Inc. will trawl the social media accounts of Nick Fuentes and others for gotcha moments from years ago while the pseudo-elites openly embrace radical Left-wing groups that hate America as if they were as benign as the Girl Scouts. Young college kids were doxed because they peacefully held a torch at Charlottesville, but this harlot is allowed to prance about the halls of power while flaunting allegiance to mass invasion. Such closet Leftists should be blacklisted as subversives. She also serves as a warning against the dangers of legal immigration. Even if we were getting the best and brightest (and they usually aren’t), they tend to use their talents against us.

The three stooges abruptly terminated their farce and then ordered anyone with a wristband to leave. The guards were visibly nervous. Total victory was achieved in less than forty-five minutes.

What happened that day must be told because it is so illustrative of what our pseudo-elites are really like and what we are actually up against. They are pathetic cowards. There was no good reason to fear us. We are law-abiding men. However, I think it was obvious to those who saw it firsthand that meme magic from Bronze Age Mindsetwas afoot – or something like it. This may sound like hyperbole, but it’s true. We dominated them not only physically with our high testosterone voices, but also in a psychological way with our sense of authority, and in a metaphysical way. The cucks knew that they stood in the presence of men who were not only their most important voting bloc, but more importantly, their betters. Submerged instincts that evolved over eons overtook them. That day the aristocrats of the soul, the natural aristocracy that the Founding Fathers envisioned as the proper leaders of this country, dominated through sheer will-to-power the pseudo-elites who presume to rule.

The son of the most powerful man in the world could neither tame nor debate us. His waifu was reduced to impotent scolding. I’m pretty sure that Charlie Kirk had to go cry in his safe space afterwards.

The pseudo-elites are powerful only so long as they are permitted to play their little games with no one calling them out and a treasonous media propping them up. That is impossible now, because with the Internet, if the emperor has no clothes, it’s going to go viral. All of their money, titles, and consultants couldn’t stop the groypers.

Charlottesville's Sliver Lining: The Decline & Fall Of The Alt Lite

                         By Nicholas R. Jeelvy 


Stefan Molyneux has not had a good year. In fact, he says it’s been a brutal year. The world’s most popular philosophy show is in dire straits. He’s losing subscribers, he’s losing views. He’s got a bone to pick with YouTube and its bosses, and he needs more money to make more unprofitable documentaries into which he inserts his own experiences. Now, I’m not against inserting onself into reporting; indeed, I’ve been known to engage in wacky gonzo myself, but really, Molymemes, if you’re reporting on Polish nationalism, report on Polish nationalism, not your feelings qua Polish nationalism.

I’m too harsh on the guy, I guess. He’s a bit full of himself, but useful to us, though timid and not willing to engage in bold philosophy on the bleeding edge. He also resorts to moralism to browbeat any objectors to his ancapistani utopia’s feasibility. He ignores the gigantic Humean naught at the center of his philosophy – which is really at the center of all libertarian and libertarian-aligned philosophies. Yet, guys do move on from Molyneux to the good stuff. Some get stuck in the Molyneux cul-de-sac; some retain some of his wrongheaded ideas even after they move on. He’s a mixed bag in terms of utility.

Not just Molyneux, though. The entire Alt Lite seems to be on the precipice of collapse. Sure, we can blame teh ebul algorthitmz for cutting off their subscribers and kicking them off of their platforms, but there’s no shortage of foot meet bullet type incidents, from Mike Cernovich covering up for Allen Dershowitz’s involvement with Jeffrey Epstein’s underage sex slavery ring, to Theodore ”Teddy Spaghetti” Beale (you may know him as Vox Day) protecting his lisping friend rather than face the music, to the disaster dominoes surrounding Turning Point USA – really, most of us in the know have a hard time discerning between the Alt Lite and a dumpster fire. A multi-million-dollar dumpster fire. (Hey, did you hear the news? Ashley St. Clair (yes, that Ashley St. Clair) has been fired from Toilet Paper USA for appearing in a picture with TEH EBUL NADZEE! It would appear that a big Afro-Latino named Nick destroyed her career.

That’s the Alt Lite. Do we even want to look at what the rest of the cuckservative dog-and-pony show is doing? Friends, I looked so you don’t have to. Or more precisely, the Z Man of the Z blog looked so I don’t have to. It’s boomerfeed all the way down.

Oh, sure, they’re ridiculous, dishonest, money-grubbing, and, as the kids say, blue-pilled and cringe – or at least purple-pilled. But that’s not what’s killing them. It is unfortunate, but the basic human condition is that of fearful reluctance to change old habits and beliefs. The well-adjusted and functioning normie conservative will cling to the Reaganite dream to the bitter end, because to let go is to allow himself to be swept up into a new and uncertain paradigm. It is to cease being Rambo (since II, the epitome of muscular and confident America) and to start being that guy in the originalDeath Wish whose wife is murdered and whose daughter is raped, a starkly lesser man than Rambo who can only hope for revenge, not bullet-dodging glory or the good life. It’s pain beyond the human capacity for pain. It’s status loss. Reality is a harsh mistress. And for this reason, there will always be a market for purple and blue pills, straight up or dipped in red dye, which will dwarf the market for real red pills. The paypigs of the grifter right will never dry up. However, you gotta convince them to pay up.

How do you convince people to pay up? Well, here at Counter-Currents, we raise funds by giving you good reasons to do so, which is to say by recounting our accomplishments, by stating our ambitions, and by building the case for Counter-Currents as a part of your well-being and political future. In short, we anchor ourselves to the truth and trust our readers to honor that truth, no matter what adversity we face. Seeking the truth has consequences, though, and so we find ourselves prosecuted and censored, while the blue- and purple-pilled masses avoid us like a racis’, huwite supremist, anti-semetic plague. And yet here we are, still standing – and slowly but steadily, our influence grows.

The grifter right has to rely on numbers and the illusion of continuing victories being snatched from the jaws of defeat in order to motivate its turgid fanbase to pay up. Witness any Molyneux video where he stretches out his digital hat, and you’ll see a very hammy and overplayed performance of a man who wants us to believe that he is under siege. Really, Moly, this is disappointing. I hired all sorts of inexperienced people back when I was a penniless hipster filmmaker, and I would have booted you off my negative-budget set in a heartbeat. Further, witness Mike Cernovich’s incessant dramatic appeals to his own reportedly massive following. I’m tempted to insert some witticism about lions and donkeys, but I shall refrain out of respect for the latter which, unlike Cernovich and his doubtlessly minuscule cadre of lickspits, perform a useful function as beasts of burden and mounts of jolly, if overweight squires to knights errant.

The Alt Lite depends on ginning up this fervor of a city under siege with the slightest chance of a narrow victory. In a sense, they are somewhat antifragile to opposition, but only to a certain point. They have to deliver a victory every now and then, and they have to have a certain mass appeal – hence Cernovich’s obsession with his number of Twitter impressions. This makes them very vulnerable to censorship.

Nuking Counter-Currents’ YouTube channel was a blow, but not one that will kill us. As I’ve said before, we depend on our commitment to the truth, not mass appeal. Nuking Molyneux’s YouTube channel would leave him close to powerless. Without his numerical clout, he’s just another vacillating anarcho-capitalist (though more open-minded than the average member of that tribe). Without his Twitter account, Cernovich is just some lisping, race-mixing lawyer with unsavory connections to the swamp creature Allen Dershowitz. Censorship deals us a smaller injury – one that is liable to further prove the truth of our message. Censorship is only a crippling injury to those who’ve not anchored themselves to the truth. People will run over fifty miles of Internet thorns to read a Counter-Currents movie review. People will not deal with BitChute’s negligible inadequacies in order to watch Molyneux make a fool of himself by bobbing his bald dome enthusiastically every time an inanity from Diamond provokes a “das rite” from Silk.

Absent the Alt Lite, the only options remaining for the Right are the mainstream cuckservatives – who are busy constructing “conservative” cases for racial replacement, sodomy with children, and proskynesis before Israel – and us. And the censors will soon come for the cuckservatives, who are even more dependent on mass appeal than we are. The entire political Right will be enveloped in this gigantic cloud of censorious toxic gas. And we’re the only ones wearing masks.

What led to this pogrom by the Left against us – we, who are imagined to plot pogroms and mass shootings – was Charlottesville. Some say that it was Trump’s election – and indeed it was, to a certain extent, what with the proverbial porn star being elected proverbial pope. But it was also Charlottesville.

I could possibly be saying the stupidest thing in my entire life, but here goes nothing: Charlottesville was a long-term victory.

First, the theory. Teddy Spaghetti (you may know him as Vox Day) is not an exceptionally smart man, but he somehow managed to write a very smart book: SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police. One of the ways in which he suggests one could take down a troubled institution is to sic its Left wing on its center – that is to say, to stick one’s hand in the piranha tank, whirl it around really fast, and retract it with as few fingers lost as possible. What will happen next is that the piranhas will devour each other under their own steam – or in the case of an institution, the Left wing will deplatform the center and cleave the whole enterprise in half, denying it all legitimacy and, ultimately, power (since only the center-Right type of people know how to get anything done in a given organization).

In practice, that’s sort of what happened in Charlottesville. The Alt Right went in, whirled its arm in the piranha tank, and then bungled the extraction something fierce.

In the short term, the Alt Right – as it was known back then – got its ass handed to it. Not for lack of asskicking prowess on our part, but because some heroic fat woman had a heart attack or something, and some schizotypal young man was driving nearby, and thus it was clear that America had experienced a huwite supremist terr’rist attack. Also, some violent libertarian from New Hampshire got into the mix, got a face full of pepper spray, and was forced to plead guilty to some crime or other. The Rise Above Movement was furiously prosecuted by Trump’s Justice Department. The Alt Right was irreparably fractured, and the antifa decisively won the battle for the streets of America, which had been hitherto fought as a result of Trump’s presidency. Even Based Stickman (remember Based Stickman?) retreated into obscurity. It all sounded very banal from where I’m standing. Terrorism? What terrorism? To someone who saw mortar shells fall from the sky at age 10, some light vehicular mayhem doesn’t sound all that terrifying, but I always forget that men are few and far between outside the Balkan peninsula.

However, the story was in, and TEH EBUL HUWHITE SUPREMATERRISM NADZEESEMITES had to be cracked down upon. And since the Alt Right of yore was a broad, six-lane highway which allowed everyone from Chris Cantwell to Dave Rubin to drive together towards a common – if at the time undefined – goal, the Charlottesville shitstorm ended up splattering everyone with hearty helpings of the brown stuff.

The Alt Lite is fond of saying “first they came for Alex Jones” because he was the first one of them to get nuked from the Internet. But no, no, a thousand times no. First they came for Jared Taylor, and then a wave of deplatformings followed. We are now hunted and censored at every juncture. However, I noticed a trend in early 2018 – the parts of the Alt Lite that were furthest to the Right started catching flak.

I privately predicted that eventually, the Alt Lite would be completely obliterated by a wave of censorship, whereas the Dissident Right would survive, for the reasons I l gave earlier. I kept it to myself because there was no evidence to prove it at the time. But now we see that Molyneux is feeling the heat. Milo Yiannopoulos was removed early on. Alex Jones is already gone.

The tech oligarchy is determined to prevent another Trump election. To that end, they will deplatform the entire Right wing of the political spectrum which does not deal in safe and toothless ideas. Pretty soon, even Jack Posobiec and Ann Coulter will be too spicy for Twitter, and conservative commentary will be all Shapiro and D’Souza, all the time (muh based market-dominant minorities). In this barren wasteland, we’ll be the only ones left standing, since for some strange reason – and unlike the grifter right – we do not depend on the Left or the tech oligarchy’s mercy to keep on trucking. Maybe it’s that anchor to the truth. Maybe it’s the fact that we attract a better kind of man – a friend to truth and beauty rather than a bandwagon jumper. Maybe the wages of honesty and integrity are victory and eminence, whereas the wages of dishonesty and cuckery are failure and irrelevance.

I don’t think you can blame your mama for this one, Molymemes.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Groypers Rising

                        By Nicholas R. Jeelvy


Unless you’ve been living under a rock in recent weeks, you’ve probably heard of the groyper rebellion against Conservative Inc.

What started off as college kids messing with cuckservative grifter Charlie Kirk and his Turning Point USA (TPUSA) fake-right organization has spiraled into a full-blown invasion of cuckservative and grift-right events by young men cloaked in courage, armed with the truth, and posing uncomfortable questions to the controlled opposition.

So far, the groypers have caused the resignation of the TPUSA’s President, Vice President, and Secretary at Kansas State University (one of its largest chapters), forced cuckservative gasbag Sebastian Gorka off the Internet, and manipulated Charlie Kirk into purging TPUSA of anyone who supports the groypers – or at least their right to pose difficult questions. This means that he’s essentially expelled the brightest, best-adjusted, and handsomest people from his organization (if population genetics are right about the kind of people who are conservative).


I believe Robert Hampton has done a stellar job of covering the nitty-gritty of the groyper war from a political perspective. What I want to do is provide insight into the metaphysics and ideology behind the war, offer a partial profile of the combatants, and address the first serious threat to groyperdom which now looms on the horizon, courtesy of one M. Yiannopoulos.

We begin by observing the reactions of the neocons, grift-right, and the various tentacles of the Kochtopus and allied monsters to the groyper phenomenon. Amidst the oy veys, nudda shoahs, the wailing and gnashing of teeth, the rending of garments, and ever-escalating charges of racism and Holocaust denial, one thing is clear: The concerns of the groypers are not typical of American conservatism but are rather closer to the European Right, whereas American conservatism is really just a defense of liberalism, as Jeremy Boreing recently made clear:

Jeremy Boreing


What these retrograde losers don't understand is that what American conservatives want to conserve is American liberalism.

American conservatism is not European conservatism. https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1189577905380188165 …



Replying to @bennyjohnson

If you’re a *real* conservative who believes in individual liberty then above all else you want:

— Less government control over our choices
— Less government authority to tell us how to live
— more freedom for all Americans

These Hate-filled gremlins are NOT conservative


10:29 AM - Oct 30, 2019

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You’ll see the purple-pilled reaction to that, and on the face of it, that’s that. But here’s a radical thought: What if that odious and aptly-named carbuncle is right?

If you’ve read your history, you understand that, yes, the United States is a constitutional and liberal country. It was founded in rebellion against a monarchy, based mostly on conspiracy theories that’d make David Icke blush; its Constitution is used as the classic example in constitutional law textbooks to illustrate the premise of liberal constitutionalism; and it rejects traditional religiosity, hierarchy, and corporatism in favor of the secularism, egalitarianism, and individualism of liberalism. But the liberalism of the Founding Fathers is now a bit passé, having been replaced by a more advanced form which now concerns itself primarily with tearing down the white man rather than uplifting the Negro – which still pops up now and then, wearing a ridiculously fake moustache and calling itself “libertarianism,” or sometimes more brazenly “conservatism.” It was and is a Leftist movement which stands opposed to the traditional worldview and traditional society. It does have Rightist elements, but only insofar all Leftist movements need some Rightist policies in the event that they win – quite simply, the Left is a vector of chaos and incapable of governance. Every revolution is followed by the sobering emergence of a pragmatic, relatively Right-wing ruler, often authoritarian: Stalin followed Lenin, Napoleon followed Robespierre, Hamilton followed Jefferson. Nevertheless, the core of the ideology remains Leftist, liberal, and hostile to the genuine Right. The United States was literally conceived in sin: the sin of the prodigal son, although unlike the Roundheads, Jacobins, and Bolsheviks, the Americans did not commit that combination of patricide and deicide that shatters the soul of a people: regicide.

Thus, when the normiecon blabbers on about “muh constitution,” “muh American values,” and whatever else, he is signaling his allegiance to this Leftist and liberal ideology, which was America’s central ideology in a time he considers better than his own. A new, fast, and sleek version is available to Leftists, but even the conservative jalopy will get us to the endpoint of liberalism eventually, which is a dystopian hellhole where there are no families, no joy, no American nation, not even fancy future cars – just armies of bugmen munching on bugburgers and living in rows upon rows of grey pods.

Did I say American nation? Huh? What is this racism and anti-Semitism? As long as they come here legally, I don’t care what their color or creed is! This is Uhmerica!

Even though the US was conceived in sin and tainted with liberalism from the get-go, there was at its core an American nation, which served as the springboard for the American empire. From this historic American nation sprung America’s counter-currents which opposed the inherently decadent US. There is a Deep America, which is made of flesh and blood, which believes in blood and soil. There is an America which conquered the continent from sea to shining sea – a white America, if I do say so myself; one concerned not with the welfare of the negro, but with the existence of white Americans and a future for white children. From this Deep America arose such men as Andrew Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Madison Grant, Ezra Pound, Robert E. Howard, Huey Long, Pat Buchanan, John Wayne, and Ross Perot. This is the America of hearth and home, not of marble columns in DC and dangerous utopian nonsense in dusty tomes written by dustier men.

From this America do the groypers arise. They are of the Right, most definitely. They are not, however, of American liberalism. They do not dream about the long-lost 1776 (even though Alex Jones assures me it is about to commence again). The groyper dreams, in his questioning and quest for truth, of something that is yet to emerge and take shape. The groyper dreams of an American nation qua American nation, which has thrown off the yoke of liberalism and exists for itself rather than as a vehicle for an outdated, Enlightenment-era ideology. The groyper wants America to exist as the nations of Europe exist. He is an enemy of empire, because empire blurs the borders between peoples. Any nation which has had the misfortune to be at the core of an empire has fuzzy borders; Turks and Russians come to mind, with Turkish identity meaning little more than “non-Albanian Balkan/Anatolian Muslim” at the end of the nineteenth century, and with Russian identity being little more than “Russian speaker” even today (though it is rapidly differentiating itself). The groyper naturally crosses rhetorical swords with the cuckservative, the normiecon, the libertarian, and the Boomer, all of whom are vectors of liberalism and empire. The aforementioned groups would like Deep America to not ask questions, but rather to stoically carry on her burden as a vehicle for liberalism and empire. The groyper is the dissenting American who would like to know why there is a transgender named “Lady Maga” being propped up as a conservative personality. The groyper would like to know why his nation’s blood and treasure are being expended on a tiny country in the Middle East with a massive lobbying operation in DC. The groyper would like to know why his nation is being invaded by swarthy and hostile foreigners, and why the alleged conservatives support a legal version of that invasion, even if it means the death of the historic American nation.

In a sense, we are witnessing the conflict between liberalism and a form of European-style conservatism – which is to say, the conservatism of a particular European nation: America. It is clumsy and undefined, and there are no elaborate national myths, but I think that the American nation has yet to crawl out from under the American empire’s shadow. (I believe the American empire is still alive, although its prognosis is not good.) In time, its identity will become differentiated and it will become a coherent group; in other words, the process of ethnogenesis will be completed. We are observing such a process of ethnogenesis in the wake of an empire in Russia today, whereas studying the history of post-1924 Turkey can provide us an example of a more-or-less completed ethnogenetic process.

The groyper army is to a great degree self-directed, though from what I can tell, the major figureheads of the movement are Nick Fuentes, Vincent James, E. Michael Jones, and Patrick Casey. Some patterns jump out: All four of these guys are some combination of Mediterranean and Hibernian. All four are Catholics. All four took the side of optics in the Optics War. All four look for political solutions, eschewing fedposting and calls to violence. There’s a reason for all these common traits.

First, it’s important to remember that liberalism is to a great extent an Anglo phenomenon and that the English people have shown an unfortunate predilection for it. Insofar as Anglo thinkers are fundamentally illiberal, we usually find Celtic admixture in them. It stands to reason that if a nationalist and illiberal Right is to arise in America, it would arise among non-Anglo whites, and with the German-Americans completely subsumed into Anglo culture, it’s up to a scrappy crew of Micks and Eye-talians to git r’ dun. Catholicism dovetails with illiberal nationalism in two important ways. Firstly, it is inherently hierarchical, entry into its priesthood is restricted (you at least need to pass seminary), and it can trace its roots back to the Roman Empire – to the crucifixion of St. Peter in Rome. It is a living reminder that there was a world before liberalism and, for those who have eyes to see, it is prima facie evidence that goodness and beauty can exist without liberalism.

Secondly, Catholicism does not necessarily suffer from the American Protestant disease of philo-Semitism. In this long and exhaustive article, we see that American Protestantism is incurably Zionist and philo-Semitic and has been since before the founding. It is therefore unlikely that an American illiberal nationalist movement, insofar as it is America First rather than Israel First, would arise out of Protestantism.

Of note is that the groypers seek to usurp Conservatism Inc. Conservatism Inc. is morally bankrupt and at the very least an accessory to the evils committed by the anti-white and anti-family Left, but it is very good at rooting out anything which even smells of illiberalism. The groypers are optical not because they want to infiltrate and subvert Conservatism Inc.; they are very much aware that this cannot be done. Rather, they seek to demonstrate to the conservative American – who is an American nationalist in the making – that Conservative Inc. does not have his best interests at heart and that it is willing to be as censorious and as shrill as the Left when asked polite questions by clean-cut, if green, young men. Charlie Kirk’s panicked disavowals, Dan Crenshaw’s smug dismissals, Rob Smith’s effete passive aggression, and Sebastian Gorka’s bloviating paroxysms are all revealing Conservative Inc. as a group of corrupt and capricious bullies whose haughty outrage at having been asked a question (a question, I say!) by the unwashed masses red-pill more people than a thousand spreadsheets with crime statistics.

I wish the groypers well in their endeavor. As a European-style nationalist, I welcome them and the rising American nation to the club. I am eager to help them with any wisdom I can impart. Let me therefore begin by warning the groypers that Conservative Inc. may look like a bunch of morons, but that these people can be surprisingly cunning when it comes to guarding their income streams.

Milo Yiannopoulos has just leaked a recording of Richard Spencer throwing a temper tantrum in the wake of the Charlottesville rally:


Milo just uploaded leaked audio of Richard Spencer reacting to the death of Heather Heyer and the negative press it did to his movement.

Just in case there was any question of the so-called "dapper white nationalist" being a raged fuelled hateful monster.

Explicit warning.


6:58 PM - Nov 3, 2019

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It shows us that Richard Spencer is one narcissistic puppy. Still, I have to disavow the recording and its leaking because I, too, have had my heated gamer moments, and I’ve said much, much worse about people of other races, faiths, and ethnicities in my angry rants. But I’ve not ever, to my knowledge, claimed to rule the effing world. See, what I find contemptible in this rant is not the rage against “kikes,” “midgets,” and “octoroons,” but its petulance and megalomania.

In case you’re wondering, no, the editor did not splice two texts together. The Milo leak is relevant because of its timing. It is late 2019 and Spencer has been a spent force for over two years now. His various problems are well known to the Dissident Right, and nobody outside our movement has any regard for Spencer. So why am I bringing it up now?

Given rumors that Milo Yiannopoulos is dead broke, I would not be surprised if this were some ploy to taint Nick Fuentes as the groypers’ most visible leader. It is easy to forget, but Nick Fuentes was present at Charlottesville. This two-year-old clip could very well be the beginning of a smear campaign against Fuentes, which would taint the entire groyper movement by association. Spencer, for his part, is visibly bitter about Nick’s success with the groyper uprising, whereas all his creatures on Twitter have been trying to link Milo with Fuentes and make people believe that Spencer is the actual target. At the time of writing, there is no evidence that Milo is planning to strike at Spencer, but it is important to bear in mind that he is a recently impoverished man of extravagant taste, that he probably has audio recordings of a lot of people in the movement, and that Conservative Inc. has a lot of money to spend – and a grudge against the groypers and especially Nick Fuentes.

If true, this plot will fail. Firstly, Nick Fuentes has already been as defamed and attacked as any member of the Dissident Right. He is, in a sense, robust and even antifragile to censorship and abuse because he has anchored himself to the truth. His groypers will follow him into the maw of D-live, if need be. The second reason is even simpler. The groyper movement is far more than a Nick Fuentes fan club. It is the primal scream of Deep America, of an American nation which intends to make itself known and rise on the world stage. Fuentes is riding this wave – how far, I cannot tell. Vincent James, E. Michael Jones, and Patrick Casey are also riding this wave. This wave has the power to sweep away the cuckservative establishment. This wave has the power to cleanse America of liberalism. A biblical plague of frogs has descended upon Conservative Inc., and with every question croaked, a true American nation edges closer to its birth.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Columbus Day Special Life Styles: Native & Imposed

                               By Kevin Beary


For decades now, African American leaders have been calling for a formal United States apology for the American role in the slave trade, with some even demanding reparations. Indian tribes proclaim their tax-exempt status as something they are owed for a legacy of persecution by the United States. Mexican Americans in the southwest United States seek to incorporate this region, including California, into Mexico, or even to set up an independent nation, Aztlan, that will recreate the glories of the Aztec empire, destroyed centuries ago by the imperialistic Spaniards. 

That we live in an age of grievance and victimhood is not news. But did these peoples — these Mexican-Americans, these Native Americans, these African-Americans — really lose more than they gained in their confrontation with the West? Were they robbed of nobility, and coarsened? Or did White subjugation force them to shed savagery and barbarousness, and bring them, however unwillingly, into civilized humanity?

Today our children are being taught that the people who lived in the pre-Columbian Western Hemisphere were not “merciless Indian savages” (as Jefferson calls them in the Declaration of Independence), many of whom delighted in torture and cannibalism, but rather spiritually enlightened “native Americans” whose wise and peaceful nobility was rudely destroyed by invading European barbarians; that the Aztecs were not practitioners of human sacrifice and cannibalism on a scale so vast that the mind of the 20th-century American can hardly comprehend it, but rather defenders of an advanced civilization that was destroyed by brutal Spanish conquistadores; and that Africans were not uncultured slave traders and cannibals, but unappreciated builders of great empires.

But just how did these peoples live before they came into contact with Europeans? Although historical myth is ever more rapidly replacing factual history, not only in popular culture but also in our schools and universities, we may still find accurate historical accounts buried in larger libraries or in used book stores.

Aztec Civilization

In his famous work, The Conquest of New Spain, Bernal Diaz del Castillo describes the march on Mexico with his captain, Hernan Cortés, in 1519. The Spanish forces set out from the Gulf of Mexico, and one of the first towns they visited was Cempoala, situated near the coast, where Cortés told the chiefs that “they would have to abandon their idols which they mistakenly believed in and worshiped, and sacrifice no more souls to them.” As Diaz relates:

Every day they sacrificed before our eyes three, four, or five Indians, whose hearts were offered to those idols, and whose blood was plastered on the walls. The feet, arms, and legs of their victims were cut off and eaten, just as we eat beef from the butcher’s in our country. I even believe that they sold it in the tianguez or markets.

Of their stay in Tenochtitlan, the present-day Mexico City and the heart of the Aztec empire, Diaz writes that Emperor Montezuma’s servants prepared for their master

more than thirty dishes cooked in their native style. . . . I have heard that they used to cook him the flesh of young boys. But as he had such a variety of dishes, made of so many different ingredients, we could not tell whether a dish was of human flesh or anything else. . . . I know for certain, however, that after our Captain spoke against the sacrifice of human beings and the eating of their flesh, Montezuma ordered that it should no longer be served to him.

In renouncing cannibalism, was Montezuma cooperating in the destruction of his Aztec “cultural roots,” or was he aiding a victory of civilized custom over barbaric?

A few pages later, Diaz provides a detailed description of

the manner of their [that is, the Aztecs’] sacrifices. They strike open the wretched Indian’s chest with flint knives and hastily tear out the palpitating heart which, with the blood, they present to the idols in whose name they have performed the sacrifice. Then they cut off the arms, thighs, and head, eating the arms and thighs at their ceremonial banquets. The head they hang up on a beam, and the body of the sacrificed man is not eaten but given to the beasts of prey.

Diaz also describes the great market of Tenochtitlan, and its

dealers in gold, silver, and precious stones, feather, cloaks, and embroidered goods, and male and female slaves who are also sold there. They bring as many slaves to be sold in that market as the Portuguese bring Negroes from Guinea. Some are brought there attached to long poles by means of collars round their necks to prevent them from escaping, but others are left loose.

Following the ceremony in which humans are sacrificed to their gods, high-ranking Aztecs eat the flesh of the victims. A Spanish witness commented:

This figure demonstrates the abominable thing that the Indians did on the day they sacrificed to their idols. After [the sacrifice] they placed many large earthen cooking jars of that human meat in front of their idol they called Mictlantecutli, which means lord of the place of the dead, as it is mentioned in other parts [of this book]. And they gave and distributed it to the notables and overseers, and to those who served in the temple of the demon, whom they called tlamacazqui [priests]. And these [persons] distributed among their friends and families that [flesh] and these [persons] which they had given [to the god as a human victim]. They say it tasted like pork meat tastes now. And for this reason pork is very desirable among them.

Plainly it was the Spanish who stamped out human sacrifice and cannibalism among the people of pre-Cortesian Mexico. As for slavery, it is as obvious that the Europeans did not introduce it to the New World as it is that they eradicated it, albeit not immediately. Moreover, the moral impulse to end slavery came from the West, specifically out of England. Had the Aztecs, Indians, and Africans been left to their own devices, slavery might well have endured in North and South America, as it does in parts of present-day Africa.

North American Natives

In his epic work France and England in North America, the great American historian Francis Parkman describes the early 17th-century recreational and culinary habits of the Iroquois Indians (also known as the Five Nations, from whom, some will have it, the United States derived elements of its Constitution). He tells that the Iroquois, along with other tribes of northeastern United States and Canada, “were undergoing that process of extermination, absorption, or expatriation, which, as there is reason to believe, had for many generations formed the gloomy and meaningless history of the greater part of this continent.” Parkman describes an attack by the Iroquois on an Algonquin hunting party, late in the autumn of 1641, and the Iroquois’ treatment of their prisoners and victims:

They bound the prisoners hand and foot, rekindled the fire, slung the kettles, cut the bodies of the slain to pieces, and boiled and devoured them before the eyes of the wretched survivors. “In a word,” says the narrator [that is, the Algonquin woman who escaped to tell the tale], “they ate men with as much appetite and more pleasure than hunters eat a boar or a stag . . .”

The conquerors feasted in the lodge till nearly daybreak . . . then began their march homeward with their prisoners. Among these were three women, of whom the narrator was one, who had each a child of a few weeks or months old. At the first halt, their captors took the infants from them, tied them to wooden spits, placed them to die slowly before a fire, and feasted on them before the eyes of the agonized mothers, whose shrieks, supplications, and frantic efforts to break the cords that bound them were met with mockery and laughter . . .

The Iroquois arrived at their village with their prisoners, whose torture was

designed to cause all possible suffering without touching life. It consisted in blows with sticks and cudgels, gashing their limbs with knives, cutting off their fingers with clam-shells, scorching them with firebrands, and other indescribable torments. The women were stripped naked, and forced to dance to the singing of the male prisoners, amid the applause and laughter of the crowd . . .

On the following morning, they were placed on a large scaffold, in sight of the whole population. It was a gala-day. Young and old were gathered from far and near. Some mounted the scaffold, and scorched them with torches and firebrands; while the children, standing beneath the bark platform, applied fire to the feet of the prisoners between the crevices. . . . The stoicism of one of the warriors enraged his captors beyond measure . . . they fell upon him with redoubled fury, till their knives and firebrands left in him no semblance of humanity. He was defiant to the last, and when death came to his relief, they tore out his heart and devoured it; then hacked him in pieces, and made their feast of triumph on his mangled limbs.

All the men and all the old women of the party were put to death in a similar manner, though but few displayed the same amazing fortitude. The younger women, of whom there were about thirty, after passing their ordeal of torture, were permitted to live; and, disfigured as they were, were distributed among the several villages, as concubines or slaves to the Iroquois warriors. Of this number were the narrator and her companion, who . . . escaped at night into the forest . . .

Of the above account, Parkman writes: “Revolting as it is, it is necessary to recount it. Suffice it to say, that it is sustained by the whole body of contemporary evidence in regard to the practices of the Iroquois and some of the neighboring tribes.”

The “large scaffold” on which the prisoners were placed, is elsewhere in his narrative referred to by Parkman as the Indians’ “torture-scaffolds of bark,” the Indian equivalent of the European theatrical stage, while the tortures performed by the Indians on their neighbors — and on the odd missionary who happened to fall their way — were the noble savages’ equivalent of the European stage play.

If the descendants of the New England tribes now devote their time to selling tax-free cigarettes, running roulette wheels, or dealing out black jack hands, rather than to the capture, torture, and consumption of their neighboring tribesmen, should we not give thanks to those brave Jesuits who sacrificed all to redeem these “native Americans”?

Native Africans

What kind of life did the African live in his native land, before he was brought to America and introduced to Western civilization? That slavery was widely practiced in Africa before the coming of the white man is beyond dispute. But what sort of indigenous civilization did the African enjoy?

In A Slaver’s Log Book, which chronicles the author’s experiences in Africa during the 1820s and 1830s, Captain Theophilus Conneau (or Canot) describes a tribal victory celebration in a town he visited after an attack by a neighboring tribe:

On invading the town, some of the warriors had found in the Chief’s house several jars of rum, and now the bottle went round with astonishing rapidity. The ferocious and savage dance was then suggested. The war bells and horns had sounded the arrival of the female warriors, who on the storming of a town generally make their entry in time to participate in the division of the human flesh; and as the dead and wounded were ready for the knife, in they came like furies and in the obscene perfect state of nakedness, performed the victorious dance which for its cruelties and barbarities has no parallel.

Some twenty-five in number made their appearance with their faces and naked bodies besmeared with chalk and red paint. Each one bore a trophy of their cannibal nature. The matron or leader . . . bore an infant babe newly torn from its mother’s womb and which she tossed high in the air, receiving it on the point of her knife. Other Medeas followed, all bearing some mutilated member of the human frame.

Rum, powder, and blood, a mixture drunk with avidity by these Bacchantes, had rendered them drunk, and the brutal dance had intoxicated them to madness. Each was armed also with some tormenting instrument, and not content with the butchering outside of the town of the fugitive women, they now surrounded the pile of the wounded prisoners, long kept in suspense for the coup de grâce. A ring was formed by the two-legged tigresses, and accompanied by hideous yells and encouraging cry of the men, the round dance began. The velocity of the whirling soon broke the hideous circle, when each one fell on his victims and the massacre began. Men and women fell to dispatching the groaning wounded with the most disgusting cruelties.

I have seen the tiger pounce on the inoffensive gazelle and in its natural propensity of love of blood, strangle its victim, satiate its thirst, and often abandon the dead animal. But not so with these female cannibals. The living and dying had to endure a tormenting and barbarous mutilation, the women showing more cannibal nature in the dissection of the dead than the stronger sex. The coup de grâce was given by the men, but in one instance the victim survived a few minutes when one of those female furies tormented the agony of the dying man by prostrating herself on his body and there acting the beast of double backs.

The matron, commander of these anthrophagies, with her fifty years and corpulous body, led the cruelties on by her example. The unborn babe had been put aside for a bonne bouche, and now adorned with a string of men’s genital parts, she was collecting into a gourd the brains of the decapitated bodies. While the disgusting operating went on, the men carved the solid flesh from the limbs of the dead, throwing the entrails aside.

About noon the butchering was at an end, and a general barbecuing took place. The smell of human flesh, so disgusting to civilized man, was to them the pleasing odor so peculiarly agreeable to a gastronomer …

The barbecuing over, an anthrophagous repast took place, when the superabundant preserved flesh was packed up in plantain leaves to be sent into the Interior for the warriors’ friends. I am silent on the further cruelties that were practiced this day on the unfortunate infirm and wounded that the different scouting parties brought in during the day, supposing the reader to be sick enough at heart at the above representation.

Vanishing History

This is the history that has been handed down to us by men who either were present when the recorded events took place — that is, Diaz and Conneau — or who had access to period documents — that is, Parkman. But this factual history has suffered greatly at the hands of politically correct myth-mongers. The books themselves are disappearing from the shelves: Conneau’s book has been out of print for nearly a generation; perhaps Diaz’s and Parkman’s will follow in the next 20 years. In its place, the most absurd historical fantasies are substituted. As the seemingly inexorable forces of political correctness grind on, we may be left with as much knowledge of our true history as Orwell’s Winston Smith had of his.

Were it not for their subjugation by Europeans, Mexicans would perhaps have continued to practice the Aztec traditions of slavery, human sacrifice, and cannibalism; many American Indians would probably still be living their sad and perilous life of nomadism, subsistence farming, and warfare; and Africans would likely be expiring in even greater numbers on the fields of mayhem and slaughter (as the world has noted to its horror in Rwanda, Liberia and Congo), when not being bought and sold as slaves (as still is done in Sudan and Mauritania).

In his 1965 work, The Course of Empire: The Arabs and their Successors, the sagacious Glubb Pasha wrote in defense of Western colonialism:

Foreign military conquest has not only enabled backward people to acquire the skills and the culture of the conquerors, but it has often administered a salutary shock to the lethargic mentality of the inhabitants, among whom the desire to rise to equality with the foreigners has roused a new spirit of energy. . . . Britain has permeated Asia and Africa with her ideas of government, of law and of ordered civilization. The men of races who less than a hundred years ago were naked are now lawyers, doctors and statesmen on the stage of the world.

But if the present trend of denigrating the West’s mission civilisatrice continues, the achievements of that great civilizing venture might well be squandered and lost forever. If we permit inhumane customs and mores to reassert themselves, the ultimate dissolution of the West itself is not an impossibility. In his famous poem “White Man’s Burden,” Rudyard Kipling eloquently spelled out the fate of a culture that loses faith in itself and its mission:

And when your goal is nearest

The end for others sought,

Watch Sloth and heathen Folly

Turn all your hope to naught.

Journal of Historical Review 17, no. 3 (May–June 1998), 7–11.