Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Jewish Problem

By Chechar 

Today I removed from my watchlist all counter-jihad blogsites from my computer bar, including the Brussels Journal. Yes: since 2008 I had been an avid reader of the counter-jihad literature online that covers news about the Islamization of Europe that are taboo for the treasonous mainstream media. But I am fed up of counter-jihadists. These people just don’t want to see the elephant in the sitting room: the Jewish Problem.

Below I include the subheadings of the preface of Kevin MacDonald’s The Culture of Critique, originally published in 1998 by Praeger. Prof. MacDonald’s continuing efforts to expose the most conspicuous object in the sitting room, the amazing power of the Jews in our civilization, an hostile minority, move me to consider him as probably the most important academic of the western world, and I thank him for allowing me to republish his Preface. 

I will divide the long Preface in ten entries. However, since in blogs the oldest entries are read last, in inverse order as we read a book, for convenience I will be linking them in this entry, a sort of Contents Page:

Preface to the First Paperback Edition [opening paragraphs]

The Decline of Ethnic Consciousness Among European-Derived People in the U.S.

The Evolutionary Origins of European Individualism

The Evolutionary Origins of Jewish Collectivism and Ethnocentrism

Jewish Involvement in Communism and the Radical Left

From the Culture of Critique to the Culture of the Holocaust

Jews and the Media: Shaping “Ways of Seeing”

Jewish Organizations and Censorship of the Internet

The Question of Bias


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