Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Answering Sargon of Akkad

                           By Greg Johnson


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Millennial Woes leads Greg Johnson through YouTube Skeptic Sargon of Akkad’s eight questions for White Nationalists. The questions are:

1. Are Jews Oppressing White People?

2. Should Interracial Couples be Forced to Separate?

3. Should the Government Prevent Citizens from Leaving the Country to Preserve the Race?

4. Should the State Control Education?

5. Should the State Control the Media?

6. Should the State Control the Economy?

7. Do the Decisions of Individual White People Matter to the Alt-Right’s Goals?

8. Should Women Have a Role in Public Life?

Articles mentioned:

Travis LeBlanc, “The Skeptic War

Greg Johnson, “The Slow Cleanse

Greg Johnson, “Hegemony

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