Saturday, June 15, 2019

Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No.22 Answering Normie Questions

                            By Greg Johnson


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Greg Johnson answers normie questions about White Nationalism and white identity posed by JM of the NoMoreDogma YouTube channel. Please share your own answers below. Topics include:

1. “Unearned” pride (see Michael Polignano, “White Pride & White Guilt“)

2. White supremacism (see Greg Johnson, “White Nationalists are Not White Supremacists“)

3. What “white privilege” really is, and why it is not a problem

4. “Normative” whiteness, or Frenchness, or Englishness

5. The objective forces driving whites to greater ethnocentrism

6. Why environmentalists are white supremacists

7. The unworkableness of multiculturalism and the workableness of homogeneous societies as objective facts, not matters for guesswork

8. The hypocrisy of those who preach multiculturalism while avoiding it in real life

9. The neurological basis of this hypocrisy

10. Why racists have better mental health than anti-racists

11. How modern liberal attitudes toward race are analogous to Victorian attitudes about sex

12. Outliers vs. averages and the necessity of basing social policy on averages

13. The NAXALT fallacy, radical individualism, and sentimentalism (see Greg Johnson, “In Defense of Prejudice“)

14. Why the common good has to trump individual interests when there is a conflict

15. The legitimacy of love of one’s own

16. How advocates of miscegenation admit that diversity is a curse and in effect call for genocide to create racial and cultural homogeneity

17. How miscegenation promotes greater racial polarization in future generations; how anti-natalism leads to more pro-natal future generations

18. The way forward after Charlottesville and Shelbyville

This is just the first of an ongoing series of podcasts in which we work on talking points responding to common objections to White Nationalism. Please share your questions below.

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