Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Case For Eugenics In A Nutshell

This is one of my favorite articles on the subject:

The Case for Eugenics in a Nutshell
by Marian Van Court
This article appeared in the Winter 2004 issue of The Occidental Quarterly

The focus of this paper will be on intelligence. Here's the argument, in a nutshell:

1. Human intelligence is largely hereditary.

2. Civilization depends totally upon innate intelligence. Without innate intelligence, civilization would never have been created. When intelligence declines, so does civilization.

3. The higher the level of civilization, the better off the population. Civilization is not an either-or proposition. Rather, it's a matter of degree, and each degree, up or down, affects the well-being of every citizen.

4. At the present time, we are evolving to become less intelligent with each new generation. Why is this happening? Simple: the least-intelligent people are having the most children.

5. Unless we halt or reverse this trend, our civilization will invariably decline. Any decline in civilization produces a commensurate increase in the collective "misery quotient."
Logic and scientific evidence stand behind each statement listed above.


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