Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thank You Corona Chan


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Greg Johnson and Fróði Midjord talk about how the coronavirus outbreak has revealed the intellectual bankruptcy, corruption, and incompetence of the current system and how it creates an opening for sensible nationalist policies.

More on Counter-Currents about the coronavirus pandemic:

Greg Johnson, “How Coronavirus Will Change the World

Fróði Midjord, “Zagreb Scandza Forum Postponed

Jef Costello, “Is Coronavirus the Wrath of God?

Richard Houck, “Open Borders Caused the COVID-19 Pandemic

Nicholas Jeelvy, “The Extended Immune System

Robert Hampton, “Sympathy for the Dragon

Fenek Solère, “La Dolce Vita

James J. O’Meara, “Sheltering in Place with Brother Stair

Taylor McClain, “Jim Acosta’s News Flash

Fullmoon Ancestry, “The Lion, the Elf, & the Quarantine

Fullmoon Ancestry, “Friendship in a Time of Uncertainty

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