Sunday, May 2, 2021

The Nigger Word

At Counter-Currents/North American New Right, our aim is to raise the social status, intellectual rigor, and stylistic tone of racialist discourse. Thus we do not use the nigger word and other crude racial slurs.

However, although the distinction between “using” a word and merely “mentioning” it is lost on the low-IQ and the high-PC alike, it is possible to strictly avoid using a given word but still mention and even discuss it, e.g., by putting the word in quotes or referring to it as the such-and-such word. For instance, it is possible to mention that Trayvon Martin used the word “nigger” to refer to himself without actually using the nigger word. Similarly, it is possible to mention that Paula Deen used the nigger word to describe a black armed robber without actually using the word “nigger.”

The reluctance to use the nigger word is far older than today’s modern political correctness, racial integration, rampant egalitarianism, and Negro worship. Indeed, many whites who believed that blacks were inferior to whites in everything important to the creation and perpetuation of European civilization would still feel dirty calling them “niggers.” Whites who believed that it was a great misfortune that blacks were bought to the Western hemisphere and wanted them strictly segregated from white society or even shipped back to Africa, still regarded the nigger word as an expletive that should not be uttered.

Class snobbery is definitely part of the longstanding disdain for the nigger word. I remember in Junior High School when a notorious dullard, bully, and slob pronounced the African nation of Niger—which David Irving sensitively refers to as “the n-country”—as if it had two g’s. Apparently he didn’t know any better. The class roared with mockery, and I smugly reveled in the fact that I was not one of “those people.” (The fact that blacks use the nigger word constantly merely declasses it further.)

But there’s more to it than just snobbery. “Nigger” is an expletive, like “fuck,” “shit,” “asshole,” “cunt,” “kike,” “gook,” or “Jeezus Fuckin’ Christ.” It is a word that names an ugly thing, or names a beautiful thing in an ugly way. Such words are usually uttered in anger, often with the intention to wound. Using expletives is a sign of poor self-control, as well as lack of imagination, taste, or intellect. These are not good traits.

But in my book, priggishness, cant, and hypocrisy are far worse. People who genuinely disapprove of expletives still use them in anger and extremity. Furthermore, there are also circumstances in which expletives really are the only appropriate word. For instance, Paula Deen is probably a sincere anti-racist and a genteel Southern woman who thinks the nigger word is low class. But when she described a black robber who stuck a gun in her face, it was completely understandable that her inhibitions about the nigger word would be overcome by righteous indignation and the undeniable fact that she was dealing with the genuine article. To pretend otherwise is simply dishonest. It is to maintain the absurdity that it is worse to be called a “nigger” than to act like one.

When faced with a genuinely ugly reality, the person of true class—i.e., nobility, courage, honor, honesty—does not resort to euphemisms. He does not speak of a “rest room” when he wants to use the toilet. He does not say “guuul-durn it!” when he mean “God damn it!” He disapproves of using expletives loosely, but he disapproves even more of using euphemisms when only good honest expletives will do. Euphemisms are for timid, prudish, conformist, mealy-mouthed, small-minded, middle-class, Low-Church philistines, which pretty much describes the default moral programming of mainstream white Americans, which keeps us a docile herd of cattle moving toward the kosher butcher at the end of the trail.

The most ridiculous euphemism of our times is “the n-word.” Apparently, in the past, legislators banned sodomy but could not bring themselves to actually describe what they were banning. Today, the nation can be convulsed with a scandal about a simple word, but nobody can bring himself to say what the word actually is. Thus whenever I hear people use “the n-word,” I play dumb and ask:

“What word is that?”

“You know, the ‘n-word.’”



“Come on! Out with it then.”

“Surely you know?”

“Sorry, I don’t. You know me. Head in the clouds.”

After squirming a bit, people will look to the left, then look to the right, then, sotto voce, come out with the nigger word. One woman mouthed it silently, hoping I could read her lips. Naturally I squinted and leaned in and finally wrung it out of her.

These people are not, mind you, actually using the nigger word. They fear to even mention it. This is, of course, an absurd act of appeasement of blacks, who are typically too dumb to distinguish between use and mention, and of the Politically Correct who are too hateful and unjust to care.

It also contributes to the ridiculous cult of the “numinous Negro,” which has led Morgan Freeman to be typecast as God. Just as you can’t criticize those who hold true power, you can’t name those who are truly holy. Thus whites are conditioned to speak of blacks as a wise, innocent, and holy race when, in reality, all of us—liberal and conservative alike—both patronize them as “half-child” and fear them as “half-devil,” to use the words of Nobel Laureate Rudyard Kipling.

Thus I completely understand Jim Goad’s desire for massive resistance to this absurd taboo by using the nigger word as much as possible, although I cannot endorse it. After all, Counter-Currents does not use the nigger word. But I can at least show SWPL solidarity with the author of The Redneck Manifesto by mentioning the nigger word in this article, from time to time.

I believe that White Nationalism will win for many reasons, but they all boil down to the fact that we are the only people telling the truth about race, and the lies, evasions, excuses, and euphemisms have become so massive and absurd that people with even a shred of intelligence and honor are finding it increasingly difficult to believe in the diversity cult. So we need to keep speaking out and standing up for the truth. We don’t have to be hateful. We don’t have to be strident. We don’t have to be crude. All we have to be is real.

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