Thursday, April 20, 2017

Remembering Adolf Hitler

Remembering Adolf Hitler:
April 20, 1889–April 30, 1945

By Greg Johnson


Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. In commemoration of his birth, I wish to draw your attention to the following pieces on this website.

Hitler’s Significance for Our Struggle

Greg Johnson, “The Burden of Hitler” (Translations: FrenchPolishRussianSpanish)

Greg Johnson, “Our Struggle Too: Propaganda and Organization

William Pierce, “The Measure of Greatness” (French translation here)

Irmin Vinson, “Some Thoughts on Hitler” (Translations: FrenchNorwegian)

For audio versions of all three, see “Three Texts on Hitler.”

Historical and Philosophical Accounts of Hitler and the Third Reich

Kerry Bolton, “Breaking the Bondage of Interest: A Right Answer to Usury,” Part 4

Jonathan Bowden, “Hans-Jürgen Syberberg: Leni Riefenstahl’s Heir? ”

Amanda Bradley, “Nazi Fashion Wars,” Part 1 and Part 2 (French translation here)

Emil Cioran, “Hitler in the German Consciousness

Veronica Kuzniar Clarke, “Demystification of the Birth & Funding of the NSDAP,” Part 1 and Part 2

Léon Degrelle, “The Enigma of Hitler

Léon Degrelle, “Hitler’s Social Revolution,” Part 1 and Part 2

F. Roger Devlin, “National Socialism as Anti-Modernism: Julius Evola’s Notes on the Third Reich

Guillaume Durocher, “Brigitte Hamann’s Hitler’s Vienna,” Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

Guillaume Durocher, “Collaboration and Adaptation in Axis Europe,” Part 1Part 2

Guillaume Durocher, “Gandhi and Hitler: The Story of a Friendship,” Part 1Part 2Part 3

Guillaume Durocher, “Hitler and Clausewitz: The Philosopher as War Cry,” Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

Guillaume Durocher, “Hitler as YouTube Star

Guillaume Durocher, “Hitler vs. the Untermenschen: Myth and Reality

Guillaume Durocher, “Hitler’s Reading Habits

Guillaume Durocher, “Plato, Hitler, and Totalitarianism

Guillaume Durocher, “Schopenhauer and Hitler,” Part 1Part 2Part 3

Guillaume Durocher, “Some Recent Genetic Studies . . . and Hitler

Guillaume Durocher, “Tocqueville and/or Hitler

Guillaume Durocher, “Understanding Hitler and the Third Reich

J. F. C. Fuller, “Why Hitler Lost

Andrew Hamilton, “Hitler as Orator

Andrew Hamilton, “Hitler’s Speeches

Andrew Hamilton, “When Mussolini Scorned Hitler

Andrew Hamilton, “What is the Best Hitler Biography?

Andrew Hamilton, “What if Germany had Won?: Hitler’s Britain

Andrew Hamilton, “Pan-Nationalism

Andrew Hamilton, “On Oratory

Andrew Hamilton, “Table Talk Puzzle

James Holbeyfield, “A Dog’s Best Friend

Greg Johnson, Review of Nasser Ghaemi’s A First-Rate Madness

Greg Johnson, Review of R. H. S. Stolfi’s Hitler: Beyond Evil and TyrannyPart 1Part 2

Greg Johnson, Review of David Irving’s The Secret Diaries of Hitler’s Doctor (Spanish translation here)

Anthony M. Ludovici, “Hitler and the Third Reich

Anthony M. Ludovici, “Hitler and Nietzsche

Anthony M. Ludovici, “My Education,” Part III

Daniel W. Michaels, “Exposing Stalin’s Plan to Conquer Europe” (French translation here)

James J. O’Meara, Review of Joseph Howard Tyson’s Hitler’s Mentor: Dietrich Eckart, His Life, Times, & Milieu

Riki Rei, “Confessions of an East Asian National Socialist

Brenton Sanderson, “Evil Genius: Constructing Wagner as Moral Pariah,” Part 4

Savitri Devi, “History, Action, and the Timeless

Savitri Devi, “Hitlerian Esotericism and the Tradition

Savitri Devi, “Hitlerism and Hindudom” (Greek translation here)

Miguel Serrano, “Hitler and the Last Avatar: The 114th Anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s Birth” (Czech translation here)

Dominique Venner, “Hitler’s Failure

Mark Weber, “The Enduring Allure of Hitlerism: Hitler as Enlightenment Intellectual

Significant Admirers of Hitler

Kerry Bolton, “Henry Williamson

Kerry Bolton, “Knut Hamsun

Collin Cleary, “Heidegger: An Introduction for Anti-Modernists” (French translation of part 4 here)

Mark Deavin, “Henry Williamson: Nature’s Visionary

Mark Deavin, “Knut Hamsun and the Cause of Europe

Andrew Hamilton, “Alfred Rosenberg in Translation

Martin Heidegger, “Heidegger on World Jewry in the Black Notebooks

Greg Johnson, “Heidegger’s Black Notebooks: Diary of a Dissident National Socialist

Greg Johnson, “Remembering Martin Heidegger: September 26, 1889–May 26, 1976” (Ukrainian translation here)

Greg Johnson, “Unity Valkyrie Mitford: August 8, 1914–May 28, 1948

Michael O’Meara, “Heidegger ‘The Nazi’

Miguel Serrano, “Hitler and Jung

Film and the Third Reich

Jonathan Bowden, “Hans-Jürgen Syberberg—Leni Riefenstahl’s Heir

Lyle Burkhead, “Ministry of Illusion: Film in the Third Reich

Jef Costello, “Disingenuous Genius: A Tribute to Leni Riefenstahl

Andrew Hamilton, “Battle for Norway — 1940 Campaign (Geman — 1940)

Andrew Hamilton, “Leni Riefenstahl’s Lost Film Victory of Faith (1933)

Derek Hawthorne, “Der Herrscher (1937)

Derek Hawthorne, “Opfergang: Masterpiece of National Socialist Cinema

Derek Hawthorne, “S.O.S. Iceberg

Derek Hawthorne, “Storm Over Mount Blanc

Derek Hawthorne, “The White Hell of Pitz Palü

Derek Hawthorne, “The Holy Mountain

Derek Hawthorne, “North Face: The Return of the German Mountain Film

Greg Johnson, “Remembering Leni Riefenstahl: August 22, 1902–September 8, 2003” (French translation here)

Martin Lichtmesz, “Heimkehr Revisited

Martin Lichtmesz, “Kolberg Revisited

The Legacy of Hitler and National Socialism:

R. G. Fowler, “Woman Against Time: Remembering Savitri Devi’s 100th Birthday” (translations: GermanFrenchNorwegianCzech)

Greg Johnson, Review of Farnham O’Reilly’s Hyperborean Home (French translation here)

Alex Kurtagić, Review of Miguel Serrano’s The Golden Thread

William Pierce, “Rockwell: A National Socialist Life

Saint-Loup, “Quotations from Saint-Loup

Savitri Devi, “The Religion of the Strong

Savitri Devi, “Incurable Decadence

Savitri Devi, “Race, Economics, and Kindness: The Ideal World


Jim Goad, “Adolf Hitler: History’s Angriest Jew?

Richard Hoste, “All-Time Leading Hitlers

Lawrence Murray, “Tay Did Nothing Wrong

F. C. Stoughton, “Home Remedies for Hitler Hysteria Prescribed by the New Right Avant-Garde

Hitler in Fiction

Greg Johnson, “Make Rome Great Again: Rienzi in Berlin

James J. O’Meara, Review of Troy Southgate’s Hitler: The Adjournment

James J. O’Meara, Review of Timur Vermes’ Look Who’s Back


Savitri Devi, Forever and Ever: Devotional Poems

Savitri Devi, “In Memory of May 1st, 1945

Robinson Jeffers, “Tragedy has Obligations” (French translation here)

Michael Walker, “Triumph des Willens

Leo Yankevich, “The Adolf Hitler Canal

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