Sunday, April 2, 2017

Why Are We Here

Why are we here.


If you ask around my hometown, friends, teachers, acquaintances, or even if you google my name and look for interviews and speeches I've made you'll probably conclude I'm a "conservative nationalist" of some sort or simply another "right-wing" guy.

In truth any label around that field would be both correct and incorrect. 
I'll explain: For people (or millennials, if you will) who are really trying to understand the current situation of the modern world and specifically the social aspects of North American ethnic groups, (those in Mexico and Canada included) terms like "right" and "left", "socialist", "nationalist" and so on and so forth are really starting to be devoid of meaning by referring to everything and anything at the same time, which in practical terms means: nothing.

The information age has flooded people's lives with so much -sometimes false- information about ideologies, political views and current as well as past world events that most intelligent people have become sort of "eclectics" when it comes to political leanings.

This is to say they have "their own personal opinion" which leans "right" in some aspects, "left" in others and also "neutral", all mixed into one worldview which cannot be labeled as an orthodox following of any ideology of the 20th century.

Most people tend to feel more identified with one or two ideological trends but always have some sort of "reserve" or "bone to pick" with that same ideology in one or more of their essential doctrines, even if they try not to mention it among their friends.

This is partially why some new "ideologies" if we can call them that, have sprouted in a techno-organic fashion through the internet and the fringe groups of information, like the "alt-right" for example, which the mainstream media is trying to treat as a "traditional ideology" in the sense that it has leaders, hierarchies and fully determined views and propositions, but in reality it's a sort of "clay-ideology" that is forming more from the will of the people that identify with the label (and their memes) rather than those who try to "lead" the movement, in a sort of synergy that seems to feed from every mistake the establishment makes when trying to silence them.

This could explain why most of the people that actually fuel and empower the alt-right don't technically consider themselves alt-right. 
The mainstream media wants to encapsule the alt-right as "the new face of white nationalism" without realizing -or disregarding- that there is not even a consensus on what constitutes "white" among the alt-right.

There's black, brown, Asian, Jewish, North-European, Mediterranean, and even Arabic people fueling the alt-right and groups of the sort but at the same time we see them coexisting with anti-black, anti-brown, anti-jewish (and etcetera) sub-groups under the same "new-right" or "alt-right" or "pro-west" umbrella.

How can this be? How can a zionist, a black panther and a white nationalist be in the same room shaking hands (as they literally have been in the last few years) making alliances and advocating for peace, while the "tolerant block" of society is outside looting, rioting and advocating for violence and war?

This might seem surreal, but I can explain it:

All of these groups and "type of people" have reached consensus on one essential element of modern decay: 
Pluralism and enforced multiculturalism, globalism, progressive ideologies and political correctness, are toxic for everyone, it is a wrong turn that the world made and is threatening to deliver each and every person, without discrimination, to corporate dictatorship and meaningless consumerism to sustain a god-like economy.

What do I mean by god-like economy? An economy as an entity that lives and sustains itself by individuals serving it, rather than doing what it was intended to do: serve the people.

By trying to end "tribal conflict" among people and ethnic groups through the disintegration of ethnic and national identity, the only tribes forming and remaining strong are the corporate tribes, your work, your bosses, your financial headquarters, your "net worth" as a source of production rather than as a source of human value, turning your back on the needs of your community no longer matters as long as you are serving the economic Goliath.

Imagine a giant football field which instead of having two sides has eight sides, like a big star of grass. 
Through the last centuries teams have been forming and have viciously competed with each other to score the most points, sometimes with virtue and style, sometimes in the most immoral and inhumane of ways, none of us are innocent.

That isn't the problem anymore, the problem is the grass is drying and the stadium is crumbling, soon there won't even be a game to play, the efforts to make the game fairer and more peaceful are threatening the game itself, culture, heritage, values and morality are all crumbling before our eyes, all for the sake of a peace that ironically can only be maintained artificially, with gated communities, electronic locks on the door, bodyguards and armored vehicles. (Not to mention police states)

In the new game trying to be shoved down our throats, our values, our honesty and our virtues mean nothing, the only thing that matters is the profit we can create for corporations, it doesn't matter if we destroy our family, our neighborhood, our community or the integrity of our nation -or other nations-, the more surplus we can deliver, the more our lives matter, period.

The thing is, nobody wants that.

The "last resource" of the supra-capitalist monster (which ironically tramples even on the principles of capitalism) to keep us at war and confused while the stadium crumbles, has been to fuel the progressive and "left wing" radical cells, with the mistaken idea that all of these problems can be pinned on "the white male" and "white supremacy", which in turn justifies the need to demographically displace people from all over the world to further their multi-cultural melting pot which in theory could sound like a wonderful and "world unifying" idea, but in reality is simply eroding communities to prepare them for full scale individualism, not to mention making ethnic groups minorities in their own country.

We as free thinking Hispanics are not buying this idea, "white people" are not our enemy, there is no "need" to disintegrate them and they have a right to exist as an ethnic group if they want to, specially as a ruling majority in the nations they created (or will create wink).

Hispanics play a key role in this struggle against globalist domination of corporations (and their leftist shills), because not only are we the descendants and carriers of the Roman values and some of the earliest creators of truly organized civilization, law and civic order, but we are also a people that has dealt with multicultural societies and their challenges many times before in history.

As part of the Latin family we dealt with the influx of immigrants in Rome, from the Middle East, from Africa, from Northern Europe, sometimes as friends and sometimes as foes, and we dealt with multiculturalism (perhaps one of the first cases in the world in that scale) when we expanded the Hispanic Empire into the American continent, and allowed the native people who were willing to assimilate with us, to do so.

This created a new mosaic of Hispanics in the already diverse Mediterranean genotype pool, even though Rome and Spain already had Latins and Hispanics of darker skin tone among them, the addition of pueblid admxiture gave the Hispanic identity sons and daughters that were part native Americans, thus our communities in that continent are not of one single color but rather sometimes blond and brown brothers, even among a same family.

Almost one third of white people in the United States are at least partially Hispanic, we know that skin tone does not define our Hispanic identity but rather the heroic, European, Latin and Hispanic spirit that has led us through our conquests for thousands of years.

Almost one third of Hispanics in Latin America are "pure" or almost completely "pure" Europeans, castizos and criollos live and have lived for hundreds of years peacefully alongside the predominantly European mestizos and the predominantly native American mestizos, those times that the predominantly Native American mestizos have wished to separate from us, we have agreed and provided the means for them to do so peacefully. -at least up until the liberals forbid these labels and attacked identities-

Why do I bring this up? As Hispanics we know that this "functional diversity" did not create itself spontaneously through massive immigration and forced assimilation, but rather by a slow and organic integration of the native Americans that left their heritage behind and wanted to assimilate into Spanish culture, European culture.

The native Americans that wished otherwise, have their ethnic groups and native tongues preserved to this day.

These experiences are not being taken into account, the world is submerging into cloudy waters and as Hispanics we need to take a stand before the system drags us down with it.

We stand against progressive, aggressive, massive displacement/immigration and forced "assimilation" of people, specially when forced upon us (or them), and specially when the establishment calls for us to determine "white people" our enemies, when almost 50% of us are white taking Spanish, Criollo and Castizo Hispanics into account.

This "war against whites" and globalist scheme will not manipulate us, we stand together to defend the Western/European culture that in great part we created in the first place, Mediterranean culture and classic values.

We are ready to embrace the wonders of modern technology and futurism as a means to liberate humans from limits that held them back for hundreds of thousand of years, but we will do so with discipline, honor and virtue, with a SPIRITUAL PURPOSE... not for corporate greed or financial domination, and certainly not by dissolving the racial identities of the world for the sake of financial domination and easier crowd control.

We stand for self determination. 
We stand for the best, not the richest, people being in control of the means of production. 
We stand for the people to decide who they want to live with. 
We stand for ethnic groups to define their own fate. 
We stand for racial/intellectual/ideological/cultural/technological communities, to preserve themselves peacefully and without being bothered, to self-regulate in the way that is best for THEM.

We stand to deny and destroy the "brown oppressed minority" -laughable- label that the left wishes to give us Hispanics, the label they have used to manipulate and subjugate Latin American people making them believe they are "not fit" to rule or stand for themselves in self determined communities.

We stand to determine the meaning and nature of Hispanics by ourselves and for ourselves, while respecting the same right for others, coexisting as we all decide fit, and mutually beneficial. (After all, we have a North-American military-cultural-economic block to preserve as a whole)

Times are changing, the world is waking up from the confusing debris left by the 20th century; and we stand to procure -through studies, science, technology, values, virtue, community sacrifice, cooperation and hard work- the liberation of the Hispanic people (whites, castizos and mestizos) not from "white supremacy and fascism", but from corruption, hedonism, degeneracy and decadence.

We stand to behold, Hispania Rising!

Salve Victoria!

-Fernando Cortes.


I'm but a humble tiger-rider.

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